Thursday, February 12, 2009

Another Year has Passed

So here we are, more than a year from my last comment and after one of the most nasty, brutal, long elections in our nation's history. Mud slinging doesn't even come close. From blatant racist attacks (thank you Gov. Palin) to shrill crying of foul play (thank you Sen. Clinton) to turning on a dime to win votes (thank you Sen. McCain) to making overly broad promises (thank you now President Obama), it was an embarrassing year of US politics.

And where are we now? Exactly where even a lowly guy like me said we would be, in a financial pit and getting worse. The Bush Administration and the Republicans ran the Working Class into the ground for six years of total control of the government. Then the Democrats, those saviors of the Working Classes and the Poor, came in and ... did not one damn thing. They let the free ride continue and Rep. Pelosi and Sen. Reid were about as worthless as two cardboard cutouts.

During this time there was only one politician who said what would happen and kept trying to get his message across. He even ran for President, but was constantly laughed at by the economically ignorant Sen. McCain, and joked as being a fanatic about something we should have been fanatical about. That person was Rep. Ron Paul. From day one Dr. Paul has predicted nearly every single financial disaster that has occurred in this nation, and continues to do so. But nobody is listening.

Nor is anyone listening to such economists as Schiff or Davidowitz. Who are saying very clearly, get ready as 2009 is going to be one step into economic hell for the United States. And we'll likely take most of the civilized world with us. The Great Depression will seem pretty small compared to what's coming due to the enormous ties and connections our once great nation now has to China, Germany, and others. Our debtor nation will bring down those other nations just because we owe so much and it'll be impossible to ever pay them back, and they are realizing it.

As for President Obama? I don't envy him. Hell, I wouldn't envy anyone that inherited this disaster. He is grasping at straws, hoping against hope that something works. He's trying, hard, to be open to the Republicans, but those dinosaurs to the Dark Ages and Crusades, don't give a damn about working with anyone. The Republican Party is dead. Roosevelt, Reagan, and even Nixon are turning over in their graves to the disgusting mess it has become.

And the Democrats? Well they are fawning all over their new leader, and in the process again trampling over the Working People of the nation. Putting in stupid perks and plans into the stimulus bills that Obama is trying to work through to attempt, in vain, to help the economy of this nation.

Both parties and the President are as out of touch with reality and the people as the King of France and Czar of Russia before their revolutions. They make faces, use strong words, and admonish the disgustingly rich (thieves) that run the banking industry and pretend to care, but in reality they are again handing them billions of OUR tax money and we won't see a dime of it, just like the first half of the $720 BILLION.

I have heard and read in several places that if that $720B was instead divided up among the tax paying people of this nation who made under $250K a year, that would mean each person would get $150K. Those people would then decide what to do with it, whether to save it (into banks), invest it (into banks or Wall Street), pay bills (into banks), or spend it on cars and houses (into banks). In the case of spending it, that would then increase the housing, auto and other industries raising them out of the pit. It's a win-win situation to give the taxpayers back THEIR money and NOT give it to these idiot bankers.

In any other business where an employee so totally fracked up his business or job, they would be fired and lose their benefits. But the banking CEOs and CFOs who get multi-million dollar salaries and perks instead get billions of our tax money.

Tell me, isn't this really a form of our government saying to the people of the nation "Let them eat cake?"

I suspect by the time another year passes we'll see ourselves into that Depression. I just hope to God that finally people wake up to reality and decide that both the Republicans and Democratic parties are only playing to about 10% of the nation really, and of that only 1% who are the wealthiest do they actually give a damn about.


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