Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Today is the day when the United States of America remembers those who have fallen. Over one million men and women have giving their lives for freedom, in defense of this nation and its ideals. In the name of the Constitution and the government.

Let us forget the politics, ignore the radical posturing, and remember these people.



Gone now and too often forgotten over time.

This day remember the farmer soldiers who took a stand with General George Washington to stop a trained military and its tyrannical King.

This day remember the brothers who fought to help President Lincoln keep a young nation together and end the scourge of slavery.

This day remember the draftees who went over there to stop a horrific trench war that was stagnant and where millions where dying in mud.

This day remember the men and boys, women and girls, blacks and whites who gave their lives in the greatest conflict the world has ever know to stop the most powerful and murderous dictator ever and his allies.

This day remember the oft forgotten war on the slopes of the small nation of Korea and those who died there.

This day remember the war that pained a nation, that brought a people to the brink, and that still lingers in the souls of the living in a small nation called Vietnam.

This day remember the soldiers fighting a new war, a war against the most radical people ever, with no thought about dying and actually wanting too. The war against terrorists and those who support them.

And all the other wars that has seen this nation's people rise up in support and give their blood and family too.


Same old story.

I haven't posted in awhile because frankly nothing has changed. Wall Street had a pretty good bull rally going in a bear market, of course most of the deaf/dumb/blind pundits and analysts kept feeding the lines that the "economy is recovering", and that "things are looking up." Well nothing was looking up from Main Street, not with over 600,000 people losing their jobs monthly, food going up, gas going up, cost of living "going down". Yes, you read that last one right, they are saying the cost of living has gone DOWN, hence forget about raises, if you're lucky enough to have a job. Never mind that nothing that people have to live on has gone down. Not one single thing. And now the states, because they aren't getting enough revenue, want to raise taxes.

Our politicians and corporate leaders are truly so far out of reality it boggles the mind.

And now of course for the summer "driving season" gas is going up. Oil has barely moved, but worse still the Big Oil companies have been stocking up like pigs at the trough when oil prices collapsed, so not only do they have an incredible supply of oil and gas, but they have not one reason to raise prices ... except greed.

You want to see the nation's people move straight into a full blown, honest-to-God Depression? Hit that $4.00 gas mark again, and I guarantee that will do it. As it is over 80% of people said they are doing no traveling for Memorial Day weekend. That means no business for restaurants, hotels, motels, parks, etc.

And yet Wall Street and the Fed drone on.

I listened to Obama's speech at Notre Dame. It was the most amazing speech I've heard since his speech on race relations during the campaign. The man is amazing. But is he for real? And if he is, why is he bowing down to the radical liberals and conservatives that are destroying this nation? One can only hope he's carefully maneuvering his power base to finally bring the moderation, cooperation, and change he promised for all those many months. Maybe, just maybe, we'll come out of this nation without it going to the extreme that has been the history of so many older nations of the past.