Monday, August 31, 2020

If Trump is so evil...

 When Biden supporters tell me how trump must be stopped, I remind them to turn their attention to the democratic leadership. They have given trump the green light on almost every thing he’s done for the last 4 years. There is no obstruction of any kind, like republicans did to Obama. If trump is as dangerous as you keep claiming....shouldn’t you be furious at the Democratic leadership? They have the power to STOP HIM. Start asking yourself why they don’t. They have decided to help him instead. 

*They continuously voted to give him funding. One budget that Pelosi signed was way more than trump was even asking for

*The democratic leadership gave Trump sweeping spying powers. It was the democrats who slipped an amendment into the government funding bill to extend the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act is a post-9/11 law that gave the federal government sweeping surveillance and search powers and circumvented traditional law-enforcement rules. The law would have naturally expired, but Democrats extended it just for Trump.

*The Democratic leadership voted to let trump sanction Iran, violating the Iran deal months before he ultimately pulled out of it. They practically gave him permission to pull out by letting him violate the deal in the first place. The ONLY one to vote against it was Senator Sanders.

* In August 2018, after the controversial confirmation of Kavanaugh, Chuck Schumer reaches agreement with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to fast-track the confirmations of 15 Trump-nominated judicial picks. Seven federal district court judges were confirmed that day, and eight were put on the docket for confirmation next week. 

*In October 2018, Schumer ONCE AGAIN helps Trump & McConnell by fast-tracking 15 more Trump appointees to the federal courts. This time, Schumer claimed it was so that his centrist incumbants could go home and campaign.

*Democrats voted to give Trump funding for his border wall. They voted for the National Defense Authorization Act 2020, which included free rein to wage endless wars, funding for Trump's "Space Force", and a green light to continue fueling the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen. Once again, the only members to vote against it were the progressives.

Nancy Pelosi stripped two amendments from the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2020 before it went to vote. These two amendments would have stopped trump from assassinating the Iranian general. Ro Khanna’s amendment to block funding for a war with Iran barring congressional approval, and Barbara Lee’s amendment to repeal 2001’s AUMF, that gave the government permission to use “necessary and appropriate force” against anyone suspected of being connected to the 9/11 attacks. 

*Wisconsin’s Democratic governor, Tony Evers, signs anti-protest bill into law. Peaceful protestors can now be charged with a felony if they trespass on property owned, leased, or operated by companies engaged in the distribution of oil or petroleum. Now why would a democrat do that?

*Democrats endorsed three former Republicans in key senate races. These people were very recent Republicans who only switched parties to run. Why is the Democratic leadership propping up Republicans who run as Democrats? This is why our agenda never gets done. This is what’s called controlled opposition. The dem leadership pay one or two politicians from the dem party to defect and vote against something. Then they can claim no fault and just say “meh, it couldn’t get the votes” 

*The Democratic leadership make TONS of money from fear mongering about trump. 

*The Democratic leadership are more concerned with getting republicans to vote for them. This strategy will lose them the election. Again.

- Jason Roth via FB


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