Friday, October 14, 2016


So what will happen if Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump win? That's actually easy because we've seen it with Obama, Bush, Bill Clinton, Bush Sr., and Reagan.

If Hillary or Trump wins:

  • The war in Syria will escalate.
  • A new Cold War will start with Russia.
  • The TPP will pass (might be rebranded).
  • Pipeline XL will be finished. - Trump approved it 1/24/17
  • The Native Americans will lose, again. - Trump approved DAPL 1/24/17
  • Police violence against Blacks will continue.
  • The private, for profit, prison system will continue.
  • Wall Street will continue to be deregulated.
  • The Big Banks will continue to be deregulated and grow.
  • The corporations will be bailed out when (not if) another collapse happens.
  • Guns will continue to be prolific in our lives with less regulations.
  • LGBT and abortion rights will continue to be fought over.
  • Hispanics will continue to be pawns, immigration laws will not change.
  • Our water will continue to be polluted.
  • Our land will continue to be destroyed.
  • Our air will continue to be polluted.
  • Other nations will suffer at our hands (mostly the Middle East).
  • Minimum wage will go up maybe to $12 (but not $15).
  • Education will continue to suffer.
  • Social Services will continue to suffer.
  • Social Security and Medicare will continue to suffer.

I'm sure there is more, but for now we'll leave it at that. If either one gets elected I will look back at the end of their four years and see how much of the above held true.

Unless the Independents have finally woken up and vote for Dr. Jill Stein and support the Green Party. Then this list will look very, very different in the end.


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