Saturday, May 28, 2016

Not voting for an oligarch is the right vote.

I'm getting really damn tired of people saying that if you don't vote for Hillary you're voting for Trump.

No. Hillary voters voted for Trump by picking one of the most scandal ridden, unethical, paid off, hypocrites in the history of the Democratic Party.

You think she'll stand for gay rights? She supported DOMA.

You think she'll stop killing our soldiers for profit? She supported Iraq and wants soldiers in Syria.

You think she'll help the working class? She has taken in as much money as any Republican.

You think she'll support green energy? She has pushed for fracking worldwide.

You think she'll actually support gun legislation? She abused the Clinton Foundation and used it to sell guns throughout the world.

You think she'll change Citizens United? She actively profits from it and abused and lied about her donations.

You think she'll put liberals on the SCOTUS? She is a tried and true corporatist who will put corporate judges on advancing the oligarchy.

There is nothing, zero, that is redeeming about Hillary. She will sugar coat her crap while Trump says it plain.

No. People voting for Sanders or Stein are not voting, picking, or handing Trump the Presidency. Hillary supporters are.

When you look at Trump and ask what happened to the Republican Party of T. Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Ford, ask yourself how the heck you can not look at Hillary and not ask what happened to the Democratic Party of FDR, JFK, and Carter.

A vote for Sanders or Stein is a vote for the future of our nation. A vote for either Hillary or Trump is a vote against it.


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