Saturday, May 21, 2016

An Apology to Nader Supporters and Why Sanders Supporters must go Green Party.

In this age of watching corporate fascist Trump vs oligarch Hillary I am finding out, as are many people, that hindsight is 20/20.

I remember well the Gore vs Bush election, the "hanging chad" scandal, the interference of the SCOTUS, and most of all the Green Party Candidate Ralph Nader.

Ralph Nader, not the most beloved person. was accused at the time of having "handed the election to Bush." Just like now Hillary supporters are crying that should Sanders supporters not vote for Hillary it will "hand the election to Trump."

But the truth of the matter is that no election is "handed" to any candidate because of another candidate's supporters. It's handed to the other candidate because, to put it bluntly, the other candidate sucks.

We as a society have been lied to time after time that we MUST vote for these lesser evils. We have been taught we have only TWO choices, and one of those MUST be elected.

This is a great lie propagated by the Democrats and Republicans and honed to a fine point over the decades. Through their command of mass media, their control of debates, their financing by banks and corporations, they have locked out other parties so we MUST vote for one of them.

But that is what it is...a great lie.

And in this day and age we now know without doubt, Nader handed nobody anything. His voters were voting for him because Bush and Gore were terrible, awful candidates. Bush was a worthless do nothing with a horrible history as Governor of Texas and Gore was a weak VP who ran such a bad campaign he couldn't even take his home state. And honestly, both of them were probably the worse orators in our history. So no, Nader and his voters didn't hand the election to Bush, Gore did by being such a bad candidate Bush squeaked by (showing how bad a candidate Bush was too). (I'm not going to go into the SCOTUS mess, that's a huge different issue which wouldn't have been had one had an overwhelming majority over the other.)

And in this election, now fueled by the Internet which bypassed the lies of mainstream media, and with a drive by Sanders supporters and millions of Independents who see "Bush v Gore" again in "Trump v Hillary" as having two of the most corrupt and terrible candidates in either Party's history, it will not be Sanders supporters or the Independents who will hand Trump a victory should he win, it will be because Hillary is the most scandal ridden and reviled Democratic (and completely non-liberal) candidate in the Democratic Party history and her friend Wasserman-Schultz (now attacking progressive Senator Elizabeth Warren and progressive Congressmen Alan Grayson) is forcing a Hillary win over the people's will.

And what about Sanders supporters? What about the Independents? They absolutely positively must move to the Green Party, regardless of Bernie's decision to back Hillary (which I hope he won't) or to not run Green or Independent or Write In. This isn't about Bernie exclusively. it's about ending this dangerous and destructive two Party system. It's about ending the need for people to pick lesser evils. It's about advancing a Party that is NOT corporate and bank controlled with honest American candidates who care about the people. In the past I have voted both Green and Libertarian when they had good candidates who spoke for the people, but over the years the choice has become more solidified on all counts for all the Parties.

The Democratic and Republican Parties no longer represent the people of the USA. They work exclusively for the banks and corporations. The DNC proved that unequivocally this year.

The Libertarian Party I cannot support as over the intervening years, even though Gary Johnson is once again running, they have fallen into a "total deregulation of all corporations" mentality that would and is deadly for the nation (look at water conditions throughout the nation, oil spills, etc.). 

The Green Party now has solidified it's positions which are almost 100% those of Bernie Sanders and all his supporters as well as Independents and even moderate Republicans (the Green Party does not want endless war, wants to cut the military budget, and have better fiscal conservancy).

The move for a powerful Third Party is 100% doable if we do NOT believe the LIES that we MUST have only two Parties. If MILLIONS of people support the Green Party that makes it OUR party. So please, support Sanders to the end, but then go Green!


Blogger Robin L. McCarthy said...

Excellent post and reflects my recent thoughts. I've been a Democrat for fifty years and will leave the party after this election. If Bernie miraculously wins the nomination, I will support and campaign for him and help carry his progressive policies into 2018 - hoping against hope we can defeat the Oligarchy and reclaim our democracy. If HRC wins the nomination by clearly nefarious means, I will vote for Jill Stein.

7:09 PM  

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