Sunday, April 10, 2016


Think about it.

We waste 1/3 of our life working for money.

Money is the imaginary entity of man. It consists of pieces of paper and manufactured metals that really are worthless. 

Gold, silver, etc. are just minerals of the Earth, worth as much as that rock you pick up in the yard. But someone decided these particular ones were special.

Everything that is "money" is a sick joke robbing us of the majority of our lives, which are very finite, and due to someone who wants to have something more, and more of that, and more of those.

So instead of working to help each other, barter for goods, appreciate life, etc. we work for money which someone has decreed 8 hours (or much more) of our day is worth. $8 an hour. Your life, by someone's definition, is worth $8 an hour. Yet someone else's eight hours or more per day is worth millions. Because they decided it is.

There is nothing, nothing at all, intelligent or advanced about money. It is nothing more than an archaic form of slavery to someone who has put a value on part of your life, and pays you in lumps of paper or metal that someone else decides is worth more or less depending on what they want it to be.


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