Tuesday, November 04, 2014

It can never happen here...

The Republicans have taken the Senate so they now control that, the House, and the Supreme Court. Some of those Republicans are the most radical ever seen in office.

How?  How can a nation vote in people who have done everything and anything to control individual lives?  Who want to control how we live and what we do?  Who want to take away all our freedoms? The Republicans and Tea Party talk about small government, but they want that small government to:

Tell you who to marry.
Tell you who to have sex with.
Tell you what God to pray to.
Tell you who your enemy is.
Tell you what you can or cannot do with your body.
Tell you your place if you're Black, Hispanic, or a Woman.
Tell you that corporations are more people than you are with more rights.
Tell you that you're not worth a living wage.
Tell you that your health doesn't matter and to "let them die."
Tell you that your air, water, and food are second to corporate profits and not important.

How can millions of people in the most important and free nation in the world vote in a Party that is based on fear, hate, bigotry, war, greed, and everything that their own Savior they claim to love is against?

1933.  That's how.  An election took place, it was all legal, millions voted for the very same type of people.  But of course it can never happen here...


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