Saturday, March 29, 2014

Entropy and Our Nation

Entropy - b :  a process of degradation or running down or a trend to disorder

While money or things do not trickle down, behaviors definitely do.

If the "leaders" (corporate and government) of a nation are liars, thieves, angry, and never are punished for their actions but rewarded with millions, people see it.

If the "heroes" of a nation, in our case sports and entertainment stars, do drugs, behave like asses, cheat on their spouses, and are rewarded with millions, people see it.

If our media spews lies, tells everything but the news, advertises for the above, people see it.

If people are struggling, can't pay their bills, both working, watching their leaders and heroes get millions for being garbage, people see it.

And they either then wonder, "why the hell do I bother being nice, being giving, being polite" and give up or they think "if these people I see can get away with and be rewarded for the same behavior I'm doing, I should keep it up as it's okay."

When our leaders and heroes have no self-respect, no integrity, no honesty, no compassion, no caring, and are all selfish and greedy, the people become it. That is where our nation is headed.

Unless something snaps, and it will. Throughout history it always has.


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