Friday, July 12, 2013

The Problem and Solution of our Democracy by Robert Reich

From a Facebook post by Robert Reich:

Picking up on my post yesterday: Regardless of what you call it or where you are on the political spectrum, we're witnessing a subversion of the institutions of our democracy. The basic issue isn't the size of our government but who the government is for: Too often it's for large monied interests rather than average Americans. And the basic choice isn't socialism or capitalism: Wall Street and the largest corporations already function under a form of socialism that spreads the risks among all of us but privatizes the sizable gains, while most Americans are enduring the harshest form of capitalism we've seen in more than a century -- lousy jobs, shrinking paychecks, disappearing benefits, and vanishing security.

If you're angry and frustrated, you should be. But that shouldn't be the end of the story. It's up to us to change this. "We" is the first word of the Constitution of the United States -- "We the People." We can get big money out of our politics. We can reverse "Citizen's United," by constitutional amendment if necessary. We can provide for public financing of elections, and end the revolving door between public office and plum jobs in lobbying firms or on Wall Street. We can require full disclosure of the sources of all campaign contributions. We can restore the Fairness Doctrine in the media, and require broadcasters to offer free time for political ads. We can tax the massive concentration of wealth that now lets a handful of billionaires poison our politics. We can do all this, and much more.

How to begin? By getting involved: Finding and supporting responsible candidates in the 2014 midterms, and voting out of office current public officials who are stooges of the monied interests. Running yourself -- for school board, for city council, for state assembly, for congress. Joining and participating in organizations dedicated to getting big money out of politics -- such as the one I'm proud to chair, Common Cause. Reaching out to friends who are indifferent or cynical, and getting them involved. Also reaching out to people who disagree with you and finding common ground. None of this will be easy and change won't be quick. But rescuing and reviving our democracy is the most important thing we can do right now. Nothing else we want for our children and for our country is possible unless we do this.


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