Monday, December 10, 2012

Obama Won. Now What?

Well Obama won a 2nd term, the House is still in the hands of the GOP, and the Senate with the Democrats. However, many of the most radical Tea Party lunatics lost. That at least is good news.

Obama won by a huge margin of the Electoral, and by 4,000,000 popular votes. It's clear that people reject the radicalism the GOP was pushing hard for.

Gary Johnson got 1,200,000 votes, the most of any Libertarian in nearly 30 years. That too is a good sign. And over 750,000 people voted for a third party other than Libertarian. People clearly are tired of the two Party system, but not enough.

So now what happens? We're back to square one with a divided Congress, same President, and a Conservative leaning Supreme Court. The GOP knows it's in trouble though as many are leaving the side of radical Grover Norquist and seeing they had better compromise or the GOP will continue to lose.

But this won't help, none of it will. The housing problem is still massive, credit bureaus have destroyed the people's ability to get a car or house or any loan, banks aren't lending to anyone. The Middle Class and Working Poor are struggling more and more to try to just survive each day, to feed their families, to pay for medical care. Never has this nation been in such dire straights since the Great Depression.

And every economist or analyst that isn't a paid for corporate or government toady has said it's only going to get worse. A LOT worse.

Will that finally get people to wake up that our government is bought and paid for? That our nation is run by modern day Robber Barons and a true Corporatacracy? That the people are led by the nose by a paid for and controlled media? Have been lied to about their status in life? And that the American Dream is dead, dead, dead?

And that slowly, inexorably, we are moving to be a new China?

One can only hope that somehow, some way people will wake up before it's either too late, or drastic action has to occur that could lead us down a much darker path.


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