Friday, April 22, 2011

Evil in the nation.

This comment was made by someone close to me:

"That government could either raise a generation of people unable to care for themselves or fail to care for a significantly fewer number to the extent that they may die. Which is worse: moderate evil enacted on all or extreme evil enacted on a few?"

Both are completely unacceptable for a nation that is supposed to be the most advanced, most compassionate, most progressive in the world. A question like that is something that should never have to be asked here, and it shows how badly we've fallen that it is even open for discussion.
The government should be able to assist those in need, help people through hard times, to ensure that they are able to be productive to the community and the the economy with the ability to recover on their own. The people should not be allowed to abuse that care, be punished harshly when they do abuse it.
When the person who brings home the pay gets cancer, when a company is forced to shut down, when outside influences that are no cause of the individual citizen occur, it is to us both ethical and right to contribute to help that person who, through their toil and support have already helped others, when they are down. To help their family. To use our tax money not to support them if they are at fault, not to give to companies, but return to the good hard working people to have them get well or help their family to survive.
Look at our military, which is essentially a Socialist system, the people care for the soldiers, their families, respect what they do and treasure the fruits of their labor. When they fall on hard times, they get the support they need.
Look at our Seniors, who have worked their entire lives for the betterment of their families, jobs and themselves. In their waning years should they be forced to choose between medication or food? To lose their homes because a corporate executive says their life is not of dollar value?
Our nation was once the symbol of the future, of how to be prosperous, to have the "American dream", and to show that if you were honest and did good work you would have a good life. That is all gone. Other nations have learned from us, and they have learned to avoid the mistakes that have brought about our collapse. They have found that middle ground, that balance of Capitalism and Socialism. And they are succeeding while watching us fail.
Let us hope that somehow, someway, the evil that has come over our nation will be expunged, that nobody will have to suffer nor die, not too few, not too many. Because each death is a failure of the nation and the people.


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3:07 PM  

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