Sunday, May 30, 2010

Two disturbing trends that = one dangerous future.

The Tea Party, of which sadly Ron Paul and his son Rand seem to be in the thick of, is pushing for more and more dangerous changes. They want the government to stop regulating companies. Bush and the GOP tried this during their reign and look what it got us with the banks, the oil companies, and now the worse oil spill in history. They want the government to have nothing to do with healthcare, let the insurance companies deal with it. That has been tried before under both both the DNC and RNC and it got us a loss of rights to decide what doctors we can go to, what procedures we actually want or don't want, and that doctors continue to have to take patients as cattle to fit the insurance company requirements. And the Tea Party would love for the government to be less and the "Free Market" to decide the nation's economy.

But a "Free Market" cannot and will never exist. The reason is that companies and their executives care about one thing, money. Greed. Pure, unfettered greed. And in a "Free Market" that greed is unregulated, they can do anything to the people and will do anything to the people to get their profits, their bonuses, and that means working together in oligopolies to ensure control of the "Free Market". Think about the oil companies, the auto industry, the holding companies, etc. The price fixing, the game playing with "incidents" to cause prices to rise. And don't forget the banks, which are part of this "Free Market" plan and how they played fast and loose with everyone's money and raised interest rates and fines with impunity because the Federal Government deregulated them so much during the Bush administration.

As long as the government does not regulate and put STRICT controls over these greedy executives and their corporations they will rape their workers (Enron), destroy the environment (BP), devastate the economy (Behr Stearns), and ruin their business for bonuses (GM).

And yet this is the world the Tea Party, Ron and Rand Paul, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, and the rest all want. Not a thought or care about the working people, except to scare working people into believing that government regulations are bad and akin to Nazism or some other idiotic, over reaching comparison.

This leads to the second disturbing trend. Corporate CEOs and officers running, and winning, public office. Popular opinion is turning against corporations and banks. It is starting to move away from supporting their every whim and the big bailouts of banks and companies that should have failed by Bush and Obama, but the Democrats and Republicans, really helped the people see how our government is bought and paid for. The corporations and their executives have the Tea Party to help move their cause for complete corporate and bank autonomy along, but wouldn't it be easier to just make the laws and truly move us to a full Corporatist State?

And what better way to ensure that corporations and banks get carte blanch than to get corporate executives and bankers into political office? To be "elected?" Then once in it won't matter what the people say or do or want, but then they can ensure their friends always get their support.

Cheney, Haliburton (who also made the failed emergency system on DeepWater Horizon), and the oil companies. But now think of corporate Senators, banker Governors, executive Representatives. Think of our nation run totally by the very people who have screwed over employees, taken pension plans, decide our health care, plan the oil rigs, etc. actually running the nation.

Corporate Executives running for office + Tea Party = Elected Corporate Executives.

Which equals the total move from a Capitalist Economy and Republic Political System to a total Corporatist State.

And what's most painful of all is that both of these groups keep quoting President Theodore Roosevelt. A President who broke the backs of corporate greed and abuse of workers. A President who greatly valued the environment and protection for families and children. A President who though rich worked for the working people and rebuffed his own class. A President who would be appalled by the current political parties and their ties to banks and corporations. A President who would denounce the Tea Party movements and the move of corporate executives to politicians.

A President who is rolling over in his grave watching this great nation be eaten away from within.


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