Friday, March 13, 2009

Jon Stewart vs Jim Cramer

If you want to see an amazing interview, watch this video. Jon Stewart from the Daily Show has been going back and forth with CNBC's Jim Cramer from Mad Money. It started when Rick Santelli went on a rant about "supporting" people losing their homes and then bailed on an interview, and Daily Show put up a video showing how CNBC knowingly supported failing banks, companies, etc. with Jim Cramer as the centerpiece for his Behr Sterns advice.

This goes to show how the pundits helped things go bad, and didn't care.

Jon just voiced what millions of Americans are feeling and thinking. He did to CNBC and Jim Cramer what we'd all like to do ... tear them a new one for helping bring down the nation and screwing the Middle Class and Working Poor.

Brawl Street


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