Friday, May 04, 2012

There is no other choice.

It's been awhile but my personal life has been really busy. I have one thing to post though and that is we must support Buddy Roemer! He has again and again shown that he is the only candidate for the people and not the corporations!

He is really and honestly FREE TO LEAD!

Let's get him in Americans Elect and also in the Reform Party, let's get him in those debates so he can hit Obama and Romney with where all their millions of dollars are really coming from, let's get him in the White House so he can remove the money from the decisions affecting our lives!

More than any other election in our history does this one matter. Four more years of the Republicans and Democrats with their Corporatocracy and this nation will collapse. Romney is planning to push Paul Ryan's budget that will destroy all the most needed services for the 85 million people that are unemployed and do nothing to stem the billions in avoided taxes by corporations and the wealthiest Americans. The Democrats have been pushing allowing illegal immigrants, numbering in the millions and being exploited in the workplace, a free citizenship.

We need someone that cares about the people, the Republic, and not how much money he will make. We need someone who can break the duopoly of the Democratic and Republican parties. We need someone who can stop our nation from its downward spiral to the worse Depression in history.

Vote and support Buddy Roemer. There really is no other choice.

For the Reform Party nomination:

For the Americans Elect nomination:


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