Monday, October 22, 2012

So, how screwed is screwed?

It looks like Gary Johnson has been completely blocked, as has Jill Stein of the Green Party, from the debates. Even lawsuits in federal court against the Commission on Presidential Debates hasn't helped at this point. The last one of the Presidential debates is in 24 hours.

With the media blocking Johnson, with the focus only on the two opposites of the same coin, and with the polls showing 50/50 for Obama and Romney, it'll be Bush v Gore all over again.

Only this time the stakes are higher and the corruption deeper.

Already there is proof that Tagg Romney has investments into the Ohio electronic voting machines corporation. The GOP is using their Sec. of State members to twist who is eligible to vote. The Democrats are, as usual, really doing nothing. The Koch brothers, Adelson, and so many others have bought and paid for our election, they control the voting companies, the media, everything.

Our Republic will fall with this next election. The people no longer control who they vote for. They no longer control who they have access too. Even if someone won the popular vote there is no way in hell the Electoral will ever be allowed to pick anyone but a Democrat or Republican. Big money controls our nation, the 1% have us by the balls.

I continue to fear for our future. I fear that the day is coming when history, which has happened in other nations, will happen here. And we will either fall into total Fascism or collapse into a state like China where the people are slaves to the government and corporations. That the people are being led by the nose and at some point when they wake up, it'll be too late.

Like Nazi Germany.
Like Military Japan.
Like Fascist Italy.
Like Communist Russia.
Like the monarchies of France, Britain, and others.

All suffered greatly, all fell deeply. And in the process millions suffered and/or died.

Is that really out future? Is that what our once great nation will devolve too? Will my children and your children be sent to foolish wars of greed (as so many already have)? Will our children be working 18 hour days at slave wages with no benefits and be unable to even think about owning a home, eating good food, or living the American Dream?

But even more frightening, even sadder, does anyone in the nation really even care?


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