Monday, June 10, 2013


I've said for years that our government is a Fascist Corporatacracy and now with the exposure of just how far the NSA has gone it's been verified. Our government, with complete support of both Democrats and Republicans in Congress, has for years been working with Verizon and others collecting all our conversations, videos, pictures, and more. All under the guise of stoping terrorism.

9/11 was to our government what the Reichstag Fire was to Nazi Germany. The Patriot Act, Homeland Security, NDAA, etc. like the many decrees that eliminated the rights of the German people.

Anyone who still thinks either Party or any in them gives a damn about the people over the banks and corporations is a fool.

The next steps are to so completely crush our economy that we'll end up all destitute, working for slave wages, crushing schooling so the educated can't fight back and do it fast. Wall Street and the $1T in school debts will be the next catalysts.

I fear there is little hope the people will have the will or ability to stop our destruction before its too late. 


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