Sunday, April 14, 2013

Chicago and Gun Nuts

I'm really tired of the right-wing gun nuts using Chicago as some prime example of why everyone should carry a gun when they know jack about the city. The fact is it's because the damn city has literally hundreds of thousands of guns it's a f**king buffet for criminals to get the things and use them at every chance, for kids to find them and kill themselves or other kids, and for gangs to use them at every chance. The city also for the past 40 years took cops off the beat, put them in cars, cut them back from the worse neighborhoods, and let gangs grow in power. And let's not forget that Indiana and the suburbs have gun shows, gun, stores, and loopholes to getting guns.

Bring in more guns? Sure, if you want mass slaughter, killings at every point of the city, and ten times what's happening now.

Simple math. 0 guns = 0 deaths by guns. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, it's impossible to get rid of them all.

How about working to get rid of, oh, say 200 million of the 300 million+ guns that are out there for anyone to obtain to use in illegal actions?

Oh what's the use. The people of this nation who love their guns care nothing about the fact any one of them could be used to kill someone, as that's what they were made for. To kill. Period. Oh sure, YOUR gun won't be used in a crime. That's probably what the mother of Newton though, or the original owners of the gun show guns used at Columbine, or the thousands of other murders committed with legally owned guns of owners who never thought their's would be used for killing someone.


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