Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Pro-Birthers.

Never again will I refer to those who want to make abortion illegal by the government as "Pro-Lifers." They care absolutely nothing about the life of the child once born, all they care about is that there is a birth.

These Pro-Birthers put up a billboard near where I live that says since Roe vs Wade there have been 55,000,000 "murders."

So let's consider that number. If those 55,000,000 births took place then at $250,000.00 per child to raise them, without college, that would be over $13,000,000,000,000.00 (trillion) dollars. Our current national deficit is $16T.

But right now the same Pro-Birthers are doing the following:

Cutting all welfare.
Cutting food stamps.
Cutting social services.
Cutting health care.
Cutting education.
Cutting schools.

The Pro-Birthers are cutting or want eliminated every single thing necessary to support children. Every single thing. They claim that local charities will care for them, that there is enough support.

If that was true why are hundreds of thousands of children now in foster care? Why are abuse cases in foster care on the rise? Why are 22% of children in the USA in poverty? Why are nearly 50% not getting the medical care they need?

But none of that matters to the fanatical Pro-Birthers. They only care that a baby is born. After that it's all well and good if it lives in poverty, starves, gets sick, or dies. Because after all, God will provide.

What would be smarter is to make an already much unwanted procedure also an unnecessary procedure. Ensure that there are strong adoption systems and support in place. Make the foster system safe and fulfilling for children and the supportive families. Create an environment where a pregnant mother isn't terrified of falling into, and taking her baby, into poverty. Make abortion seem like the least wanted option by making sure all the other options are as wonderful to mother and child as is possible.

As for the state making abortion illegal? No government should force birth or abortion. It must be choice. Why? Read about Lebensborn. Read about how a state made abortion illegal, made birth mandatory. How the state decided what would happen. Watch the documentary. If you still can advocate the state making such're lost to humanity.


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