Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Other Birthers or More Hypocrites.

Sen. Ted Cruz was born in Canada to a US citizen mother and Cuban father. Thereby Sen. Cruz is a US citizen and can run for President. According to the Tea Party, the Republicans, and Birthers.

Sen. Obama was born in Hawaii to a US citizen mother and Kenyan father. Thereby Sen. Obama was not a US citizen before becoming President. According to the Tea Party, the Republicans, and Birthers.

And there you now have the most blatant and ignorant example of right wing fanatical hypocrisy.

Sen. Cruz today renounced his Canadian citizenship to show his loyalty to the nation, but according to his spokesperson he had nothing to renounce as he was never a Canadian citizen.

But it's fine for him to run for President, he is supported by the Tea Party, and is beloved by many Republicans.

And not one complaint from Birthers.

But President Obama, who was born in Hawaii, which has been proven again and again, had a mother born in Kansas, which is fact, and a father born in Kenya, is illegally the President. He is Kenyan. Even if born in Kenya, to his US citizen mother (like Cruz), he's still Kenyan. He should not have been allowed to run for President.

This according to those same Tea Party, Republicans, and Birthers supporting Sen. Cruz.


Nothing more to say.


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