Sunday, October 06, 2013

The Government is Shut Down and it is the GOP's fault.

So the government is shut down. The parks are closed. There are hundreds of thousands furloughed. I won't get into the ridiculous back and forth, or the absolutely absurd lies of the GOP and their minions at Fox News, but I want to say this one thing, I support the Democrats 100% this time.

The GOP has gone too far.

The so called supporters of our Constitution are looking like complete fools. No, Obama and the Democrats did not start this and for once I fully support them not giving in under any circumstances. Why? Because to do so would enable a completely un-Constitutional precedent that would forever make any laws susceptible to blackmail by a small part of our entire government.

Here is the fact, there is only one thing that the GOP radicals have been insistent on and are causing the shutdown over, defunding or repealing the ACA. This started many weeks ago, long before the debt ceiling came into play. They tried over 40 times to repeal the law with no support or due process, something that is utterly un-Constitutional. They then tried to defund it through passage of the payment of bills. Another completely illegal and un-Constitutional action for a fully funded law.

You might not like the ACA, and I hate huge parts of it, but it is law. It was passed by both houses, it was signed by the President, and it was affirmed by the SCOTUS. Period. End of story.

There is only one way to repeal the law, for another bill to be introduced, to be passed by both Houses and signed by the President (or in a super majority overriding the Presidential veto).

That's it.

For one part of our two houses, and one faction of our entire law making body, to literally hold the entire nation hostage, cause such distress, impact our entire economy (and globally as well), and do this on a current, standing, funded, and affirmed law is UN-CONSTITUTIONAL.

Again, period, end of story.

To say this situation is the Democrats fault is completely false. The bill passed, it's done, the conservative SCOTUS affirmed it. The GOP has been saying "our way or the highway", and their way is the most blatant attempt at an un-Constitutional act since FDR tried to alter the SCOTUS. 

If the Democrats and President cave in then a precedent will be set that it is okay for any Party to defund any current standing law outside of the election and legal process.

How would you like it if the Dems cave in. Then they take back the government and the first thing they do is defund laws supporting the 2nd amendment (which of course is the only Amendment that radical GOP actually supports). Would that go over well with you? Of course not.

That is why this can't happen. The proper way to do this is for the people who are against the ACA to vote in politicians to take the Congress and Presidency so that a bill can be introduced that properly repeals the law.

Otherwise all the people proclaiming support of the Constitution are doing is making it clear they are complete hypocrites. And between the ones supporting the GOP shutdown, and supporting Ted Cruz for President (but still claiming Obama isn't able to be President or asking for his Birth Certificate), it's pretty clear there are a lot of hypocrites in our nation.

Let's just hope not enough to continue this treasonous trend against the Constitution.


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