Saturday, March 29, 2014

Going In All the Wrong Directions with Guns.

So today the Indiana government has passed a law allowing guns to be on school property, locked in trunks or cars for the "safety of the children" and so that "law abiding citizens can protect themselves."

So yet another state opens up even more access to guns, creating even a greater buffet for criminals and the unstable. All under the guise of the 2nd Amendment.

People talk about Chicago being the murder capitol, they talk about how Illinois and other states that have anti-gun laws are suffering.

But what these gun nuts, especially the Tea Party, don't understand is that the criminals and mentally ill causing the murders, killing the children and people, are getting the guns from legal gun owners, either by stealing them or killing them.

Columbine, Newton, Northern Illinois University, Virginia Tech...all the guns were once owned by legal gun owners.

So all the places trying to stop gun violence and killing are surrounded by gun nuts who just have to have their guns to protect themselves from the government, or some imagined intruder, or because it's their "right."

Even more frightening is that these gun lovers, many (not all) of whom are paranoid or gun happy, now are getting conceal carry licenses. It is only a matter of time before several of these conceal carry people get into a gunfight in a public place because one of those kind starts it by being pissed off, or having too much to drink, or whatever.

The 2nd Amendment, supporting a "well regulated militia", did not mean that every person should have a gun and go walking around with one. Even in the age of the Founding Fathers people didn't do that. Not until the Wild West, and even then the civilized areas of the nation didn't even allow guns in their streets.

Regressive. Completely regressive.

And of course there is the fact that nearly to a one the same people calling for less gun regulation, buying up small arsenals, and giving the NRA millions are also claiming they love Jesus and are good Christians.

Last time I checked Jesus wasn't ever packing, and he died on the cross for the very fact he didn't believe in it. Actually these "good Christians" are much more like the Romans, who supported weapons, war, and loved the conflict.

You cannot support guns in such a way as this and say you love Jesus. That is hypocrisy of the highest order.

The saddest part? The people packing, supporting the NRA, loving the 2nd Amendment for all the wrong reasons, will never understand just how complicit they are in the murder of thousands in the nation, including children. Not until their child gets killed, or kills someone, with a formerly legally owned gun and then maybe they will understand why having 300 million guns everywhere is the completely wrong thing for a civilized, progressive, and intelligent nation to do.


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