Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How many dead will it take?

I've made it clear that we have gone way, way too far in support of guns. There is no moderation, there is no sanity. People are literally walking the streets with guns, more carrying now than in the Wild West. More in high population centers. More than ever in our history. All for a lot of lies.

This is a great article about one man's grief over the murder of his son due to a LEGALLY gun owning, mentally ill, person. Who had not one, but three legal guns.

But the best part is this, exposing all the lies of gun nuts, the NRA, and our radical politicians.

"Speaking clearly also lets us examine the elements of a proposition plainly. We know that slogans masquerading as plain speech are mere rhetoric because, on a moment’s inspection, they reveal themselves to be absurd. “The best answer to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun” reveals itself to be a lie on a single inspection: the best answer is to not let the bad guy have a gun. “Guns don’t kill people, people do.” No: obviously, people with guns kill more people than people without them. Why not ban knives or cars, which can be instruments of death, too? Because these things were designed to help people do things other than kill people. “Gun control” means controlling those things whose first purpose is to help people kill other people. (I’ve written at length about farmers and hunting rifles, and of how they’re properly controlled in Canada. In any case, if guns were controlled merely as well as cars and alcohol, we’d be a long way along.) And the idea that you can be pro-life and still be pro-gun: if your primary concern is actually with the sacredness of life, then you have to stand with Richard Martinez, in memory of his son."
Nobody I know is saying to get rid of all guns, that is the opposite side of the fanatical thinking. But we do not need a buffet of 300,000,000 guns, now many being carried on the streets, in crowded events, amongst children. We do not need all those legal gun owners, such as this man's son's murderer, who are untested psychologically, who do not have to have strict controls over ownership of a device designed to kill. We do not need every other car or home with guns for the criminals to find and use.

We are supposed to be the leader in the world. We are supposed to be the most advanced, most progressive, most educated, and most innovative nation in the world. Why then are we regressing so far that we are even worse than our youngest and most turbulent days? Why then are other nations far, far more advanced than us in properly restricting guns?

Because it's all based on greed. The NRA makes millions through their lies and hypocrisy. They pay off our politicians and media. And people buy into the fear, they buy into the rhetoric, and those same paranoid, delusional, fearful people are walking around with a gun under their belt. Meanwhile the NRA and gun manufacturers are making billions while more people die. 

All the guns used at Newton were legally owned and accessible. All the guns used a Columbine were legally owned and accessible. All the guns used at NIU and Virginia Tech were legally owned and accessible.

How many dead will it take?


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