Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Truth.

Robert Reich posted this to Facebook. He completely covered what's wrong with the USA right now, and sadly too many people either have succumbed or have bought into these scenarios.

"Individuals, groups, organizations, even nations, get into trouble when they avoid the work of tackling their most urgent problems. Here are the four biggest work-avoidance mechanisms. Don't let yourself or others succumb to them. 

1. Denial that a problem exists. Climate change,  widening inequality, big money destroying democracy, or, on a personal level, an addiction. There are many others. Denial is potentially deadly.

2. Escapism. The assumption it’s not my problem, and I and my family and friends won’t be affected. Poverty across town, lousy schools in the other town, family violence down the street, the Ebola virus in West Africa. We fool ourselves if we think we can escape the consequences.

3. Scapegoating. The view “they’re” responsible  – the poor, immigrants, blacks, Latinos, the government, foreigners, the rich. Blaming and stereotyping others is a coward’s way of failing to deal with a problem. 

4. Cynicism. The idea that nothing can be done. Government can’t work. Politics is inherently rotten. Our democracy is doomed. Our planet will perish. Cynicism is the most insidious work-avoidance mechanism of all."


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