Friday, July 04, 2014

This 4th of July 2014

Today, the 4th of July, we are celebrating the most diverse nation in the world founded on the values of freedom from tyranny. We are an imperfect, young, nation who has and still is making mistakes.

Our nation is going through its greatest crisis with corporations and banks fully in control of our government and two Party system. But like all things we shall overcome the inequality and rampant destruction of our freedom and ability to accept diversity.

The American people are waking up to the disease of bigotry, ignorance, and selfish greed. The vast majority want honesty, fairness, and compassion and no more war, hatred, and lies.

We must all band together to make this happen. Blacks, Whites, Native Americans, Europeans, Christians, Jews, Muslims. No matter the label we are all Americans who want to live our lives in a fair way, an honest way, to care for ourselves, our families, and make the world better for our children and grandchildren.

Celebrate this day of freedom not for the mistakes of the past nor the problems of the present, but for the promise of the future.


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