Saturday, July 18, 2015

Why Godwin's Law is Destroying Us.

For decades now we have seen a decline in education, in information checking, and in understanding history.  One of the most important eras is that of World War II, or more specifically the rise of Nazi Germany, and most people have no idea how it really came to pass.

Unfortunately the Internet, that bastion of both knowledge and ignorance, upon its early adoption found people arguing and throwing out references to Hitler and the Nazis in various arguments, most of the time in completely the wrong context.  This led to Godwin's Law.  Basically the Law says that if an argument goes on long enough someone will bring up the Nazis or Hitler.  This usually then ends up discrediting the person and killing reasonable conversation.

And then of course you see people with no understanding of that period of time at various rallies comparing politicians to Hitler or the Nazis (the most absurd being President Obama as a Black Hitler).

So how has this all, including Godwin's Law, caused our nation to be where it is?

Because nobody is seeing the exact same thing that happened from 1933 to 1939 in Germany playing out in our own country. And those that do are called names or they say "oh no, it's the other Party that's like that," when it definitely isn't.  Nobody is actually calling out the factual comparisons, because everyone is afraid it'll be too extreme, it'll be too harsh, it'll be over the top...when in fact it's completely accurate.

People must remember that the Holocaust, which is usually the key element associated with the Nazi Party, did not really start until many years after the Nazis took control of Germany.  As with World War II, there was a time prior that was neither war nor mass murder, but politics, maneuvering, lies, propaganda, bullying, guns, and flag waving.

In 1930 the Nazi Party took 19% of the Reichstag (German Congress).  They proceeded to disrupt the operations of the Weimar Republic.  They used propaganda to put fear into the population about Jews and Marxists, they bullied political rivals, they disrupted votes.  In 1932 they took 30% of the Reichstag and in 1933 Hitler was made Chancellor.  They legally were voted into office, and Hitler was legally appointed to office.  It was not a coup, it was not a revolution, it was enough radical, fearful people voting.

This is exactly what the Republican Party has done for the past fifteen years.  They have disrupted the operations of our Republic.  They have used propaganda, especially via Fox News network, to put fear into the population about Muslims, Hispanics, and Blacks, they have bullied rivals, and they have disrupted votes.  And in 2014 they took 30% of our Congress.

In 1933 the Nazis plotted and set a fire to the Reichstag, using a dupe of a mentally ill Communist sympathizer.  This led to them passing the Reichstag Fire Decree of 1933 which removed civil liberties and allowed the government to monitor, detain, and control the people as needed without warrant or legal recourse.  The wording as follows:

"It is therefore permissible to restrict the rights of personal freedom [habeas corpus], freedom of (opinion) expression, including the freedom of the press, the freedom to organize and assemble, the privacy of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications. Warrants for House searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed."

This is similar to what Republican President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and US Attorney General John Ashcroft and others in the Republican Party insisted were necessary after the attacks of 9/11.  Fervent nationalism and fear helped them to position the Patriot Act for a device by which was created the Department of Homeland Security and allowed for unprecedented surveillance, search, seizure, unlimited detention, and others for an easy vote and support in Congress.

In 1939 the Nazi Party setup a false flag operation, the Gleiwitz Incident, where a Polish radio station was used as the impetus for Germany to invade Poland by making it look like Poland was being an aggressor nation. The radio station was part of a large series of "incidents" that made it look like Poland was taking action along the German border, giving the Nazis a reason to invade to protect itself and it's people.  This started the path to World War II, with Germany becoming involved in attacking or invading nation after nation.

On September 11, 2001 the USA was attacked by a group of Saudi Arabian terrorists, killing over 3,000 citizens in the World Trade Center.  This attack let the Republican President Bush and his other administration officials to have us invade Afghanistan, where the terrorists were apparently trained, and then Iraq when it was determined they had weapons of mass destruction.  As is now known the WMD threat of Iraq was a lie, one for which our nation became embroiled in a war that killed and wounded thousands of Americans soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqis.  It also destabilized the Middle East and continued the United States involvement in several nations.

Nazi Germany created the most powerful propaganda machine in history.  They used film, radio, and newspapers to instill in people intense nationalism, fear of those who didn't believe in the Nazi doctrine, hatred of Jews, Slavs, and "lesser people," hatred of homosexuals, of those who weren't Christian, and anyone who didn't follow the doctrine of the Party.  They used The Big Lie on the German people with extraordinary success.

"The phrase was also used in a report prepared during the war by the United States Office of Strategic Services in describing Hitler's psychological profile:

His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it."

The Republican Party has used the tactic of the Big Lie, especially through it's propaganda system of Fox News, to constantly and falsely inform the people of what they should fear, of who they should hate, and to claim Christianity is under attack and our sovereignty is in danger.  They have maligned Muslims, Blacks, and immigrant Hispanics to be feared as murderers and terrorists, thugs and killers, and job stealers and disease carriers respectively.  And all those who do not support what the Republicans believe are not true Americans and are attacking Christianity.

The Nazi Party, upon its rise, was heavily supported by the corporations of the nation who saw an opportunity to control the Nazis and their leader, Adolf Hitler, for their own profit and gain.

And in the United States two corporate financiers, the Koch Brothers, have pledged nearly $1 billion dollars to the Republican Party, let alone all the other companies and wealthy oligarchs who have also sworn to support the Republican candidates.

The fact is, and one that must not be ignored, is that the United States Republican Party is a fascist political party of the same style, thinking, backing, ideology, and lust for power and destruction as the Nazi Party.  They have sworn to destroy Muslims as the Nazis swore to destroy Jews.  They have sworn to embroil us in war as the Nazis did.  They have sworn to have us controlled by the corporations as the Nazis did.  Like the Nazis they have broken unions, want to force women to be controlled by men, declared other races as sub-human, hated homosexuals (but were frequently of them), and declared themselves good Christians as they slaughtered millions.  They loved guns and war, and had everyone learn how to use guns so they could be sent to war. And they made millions from their actions.

The Nazis and the Republicans follow the same ideals, they want to:

Tell you who to marry.
Tell you who to have sex with.
Tell you what God to pray to.
Tell you who your enemy is.
Tell you what you can or cannot do with your body.
Tell you your place if you're of a different race or a woman.
Tell you that corporations are more people than you are with more rights.

And yet in this day and age, people support the Republicans.  They support what they are doing, they wave their guns at anti-Muslim rallies as Nazis did at anti-Jewish ones.  They follow Fox News as if it was the most righteous organization, and yet they have been debunked as liars, falsifying information, and using deceit and fear.  And the people - nearly all white Christians who love their guns, hate Muslims, consider Blacks thugs, and want immigrant Hispanics thrown out - are voting in droves.  They are putting people in office who are dragging this nation to the same level as Germany.

So we have to stop Godwin's Law, we have to stop being afraid of comparisons, we have to stop being afraid to call out the Republicans and their supporters as what they are.  Because right now we are Germany in the late 1920s, fearful, depressed, tired, with a Republic already damaged to oligarchy, people struggling to live day to day, and an exhaustion across the nation about our system. We are ripe for this nation to fall to bigots, haters, theocrats, corporatists, and those who want to end the Republic fully and destroy the Constitution.

So speak up, fight, stand up.  I know everyone is tired, I read and see it all the time, but to win the good fight and ensure our nation returns to the people, we must never give up.  We must never stop supporting our nation and ALL it's people.

And as of right now the one person running for President that can do that is Bernie Sanders.  What a great irony that a Jewish Democratic Socialist is leading the charge of the people against a new era of a re-created Nazi Party.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last year, I wrote a Facebook note called, "Godwin's Law nullification", where I made the proper and correct argument that Godwin's is nullified if the person or people being compared to the Fascist Nazis (or any other Fascist regime) are actually Fascists, which is the case with the Republican Party's politicians and one-third of its voters.
And, while the article above does state the original definition of Godwin's, Fasicsts have subverted it to mean that, any time someone suggests Fascism, they're wrong, whether or not they truly are wrong to do it.
So, to all GOP Fascists who want to practice projectional hypocrisy on the matter: actions speak louder than words. If you don't want to be correctly called Fascists, don't act like Fascists. It's a fairly simple solution to the problem.

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Republican Party has been completely Fascist since October 2001 and had been adhering to a dozen of the 17 "defining characteristics" of Fascism since Ronald Reagan's time in the White House.
It's not a violation of the subverted defintion of Godwin's to call the GOP Fascists. Actions speak louder than words, GOP...if you don't want to be correctly called Fascists, stop acting like Fascists. It's a fairly simple proposition.

1:00 PM  
Blogger Barb said...

It's a bit silly to compare an attack by a major nation on small groups like Romani (numbers in 1940 unknown to me) or Jews (about 18 worldwide million in 1940, 1/3 of them in the US) to an attack on one of the largest groups on the planet (Muslims number about 1.6 billion, more than 100x as many as Jews (who, are now closer to 14 million.)

It's also suicidal. While the Nazis lost and hence in fact still lead to their own destruction, it was not self-evident that that would be the result. Attacking the entire Islamic world is suicide, no matter what one thinks of Islam.

America's two party system means it is unwise to characterize whole parties as one thing. Democrats range from the modestly conservative Clintons and the like of Jim Web to the much more liberal Elizebeth Warren. Republicans still include a few moderates (like Michael Bloomberg, who has become an independent) and range rightward to Ted Cruze and even many openly racist groups. I suspect the Bundys are Republicans.

It is unwise to characterize large groups, be they Christians, Muslims, or the Chinese people (or an American political party) as being monolithic.

5:56 AM  

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