Friday, June 05, 2015

The Open Carry Insanity

The STUPIDEST, most REGRESSIVE, completely BIGOTED, and most IDIOTIC thing this nation has ever done was to allow open carry.  

It's STUPID because you don't know if any idiot actually has a license or not.  And even if they do you don't know if they are a paranoid nutcase, bigot, sociopath, off their drugs, or on drugs. And yet they own a gun and can carry it among families, to public places, and in crowded venues.

It's REGRESSIVE as the only nations that allow people to walk around showing off their big bits are terrorist nations, third world countries, and petty dictatorships.  Even in the old west they collected guns in cities.

It's BIGOTED because only White "Christians" need apply when carrying.  If a bunch of Blacks or Muslims walked into a Denny's or an airport they would be arrested or even shot.  If a Black open carried down the street, they would be killed outright. But if you're a White rancher and his friends you can point guns at Federal agents and not get arrested, or if you're a White guy with an AR-15 you can go into an airport, or if you're a bunch of White bikers wearing SS Nazi t-shirts you can hold a party insulting American Muslims with your guns on you.

It's IDIOTIC because those who feel a need to walk around with guns are the very people who should NOT have them.  The paranoid who think they will be mugged while shopping.  The sociopathic who think every person is out to get them.  The delusional who think their guns will stop the government (drones dummy?).  The bigoted who want it to protect them from Sharia Law.

Every person defending this ignorant open carry way of life is doing nothing more than supporting all of the above.  And every single innocent person who dies because of this is THEIR FAULT.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Total agreement and support to that fact-based and truthful article. Thank you, common-sense person, for your . . . . COMMON SENSE . . . . a characterization/trait that seems to have disappeared a long time ago from the masses of the world. Greed and self-righteousness blind people so heavily, it leaves little or no room for people to see the truth. (The truth is the truth. The truth is not, "Your version," "Their version," "His version," "Her version," etc. The truth is the truth.).

12:34 PM  

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