Monday, June 13, 2016

The biggest mass shooting in US history.

So 49 people have been killed in an LGBT club in Orlando, FL.

Let's clear something up right away:  This person was a LEGAL GUN OWNER. He was unhinged, he was on the FBI no fly list, he was under investigation but obtained an AR-15 because WE LET HIM.

This needs to END.

Nobody NEEDS an AR-15. Nor any type of weapon including handguns that can rapid fire and reload. Like other advanced nations such weapons should be excluded as available to the public.

That any gun ownership should be restricted to certain people based on their actual honest need. Examples - hunters, specialized security, etc. and then the appropriate gun for that need.

That each person who does fit that need get a specialized license, just like how cars and planes are licensed. A collector who will have hundreds of antique firearms has one license, a hunter who will have one or two types of hunting rifle or shotgun another.

And then with those licenses you have ANNUAL renewal, psychological testing, environmental testing (as in, anyone with mental illness living in the home with the weapon). Also a strict weapons training every year, supervised by a police or auxiliary police for passing.

And no open nor conceal carry. This is not the Sudan. This is not Syria. There is NO reason in a nation like ours to have anyone carrying except those highly and fully trained, like the police and national guard.

These are all items that have proven to work in other first world nations. This would eliminate the paranoid sociopath in his basement with his 100,000 round of ammo and ten AR-15s...all obtained legally. This would have prevented the mother of Sandy Hook from owning all the weapons she did with a mentally ill son. This would have prevented the Orlando shooter from obtaining his guns so easily.

And that's the crux of it. Ease of access. With people now walking around with guns, in their cars, anywhere a person who's unhinged, or angry, or just a criminal can get a gun. But restrict the guns, who has them, how they can use them.

Legal gun owners are the suppliers. It's hypocritical to say "guns don't kill people" but then turn around and say "well it's an illegal gun." NO gun is ILLEGAL. None. They are all legal when made. Legal when distributed. Legal when in the store. Legal when purchased. They become "illegal" when someone backdoor buys, borrows, or steals the gun. But they all came from legal ownership.

Enough is enough.


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