Sunday, May 29, 2016

Only Gun Nuts

Gun nuts will say and do anything to protect their White "Christian" right to own something to kill.

They enjoy the fear they impose on others wearing their guns and swaggering around to go shopping or out to eat.

They say more guns make people safe, but with 300,000,000 in the nation and tens of thousands dying or wounded yearly, many children, that's okay as long as they selfishly can keep their guns.

They say it's their right to feel safe, but fuck everyone else's right to feel safe not knowing if the person is carrying or if open carrying if they are bigots, sociopaths, drug users, off their drugs, or paranoid psychopaths.

And the very aforementioned people are the ones who should not have guns, but usually have many.

And of course the paranoids about the government that think their guns will protect them, until a drone wipes them off the Earth.

And if a Black, Muslim, or Hispanic open carried? They would be vilified, labeled a terrorist or a gang banger respectively, and many would just be outright killed by another legal carrying gun nut.

Good, legal, understanding gun owners do not need nor want open or conceal carry. They do not mind background checks and the removal of the vast majority of 300,000,000 guns from the nation. And they see why we need annual psych testing for gun owners.

Only gun nuts are against it all and for more and more guns and less and less restrictions.


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