Thursday, August 13, 2020

Trump and Biden, the grifters.

Trump going off about delaying the election, which he can't do, confirms what I’ve been thinking for awhile now. Trump is planning to retire. He doesn’t want to be President anymore. So he’s going all batshit crazy as a good grifter can to get the people all terrified and fired up so they will be even more compelled to vote Biden and not go Green Party.

It’s the oldest play in the book. Do everything so damn nasty that the next option looks the best option. It’s how Trump was elected, why Hillary (Trump’s friend) elevated him, why the Democratic media (CNN, MSNBC) gave him so much free airtime. To make Trump look so awful you’d vote Hillary.

It didn’t work.

This also explains why the DNC just destroyed any chance for Medicare for All, Legal Marijuana, and every other Progressive ideal. They think they’ve got it in the bag.

And why they devastated Bernie.

And why Republicans across the board are backing Biden.

The Oligarchy plays a long game. They can turn on a dime if needed, but they must keep up their false appearance of two opposing parties. It’s all a lie and it’s so obvious now to anyone paying attention.

It’s also proof they’re getting more scared and more desperate when they’re going this far in their scam.

Now more than ever is the time we need to go Green Party and get Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker as much power as possible. If Trump gets re-elected he’s not going to want to stay and will be more screwed in his ability to fight and his actions. If Biden gets in there will be a false sense of a “win” under the grift and people will get complacent while he does all the same things with a smile and tossing out crumbs to the people.

There is only one option to vote for in November.


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