Sunday, June 21, 2009

"Reaganite Republican" or "What's wrong with the GOP."

I normally would not allow such comments (see follow up to "Iran") to be posted because of the rabid and non-intellectual nature of the comments, but I thought this was an incredibly accurate example of all that is wrong with the so-called Republicans of today. Let's break it down:

1) First the ignorance of calling President Obama a "false prophet." This shows religious fervor and fanaticism that we've seen infect the GOP over the years since President Reagan left office. Everything has to be attributed to or against God and ONLY the Christian God. All others need not apply.

2) "...overthrow this evil..." Once again the religious "evil", do the millions of supporters of the current rulers of Iran see them as evil? Unfortunately no. And while "Reaganite Republican" might see them as evil, as do I, it is NOT our country. Just as the current Republicans loved to point out with great indignation when others nations considered President W. Bush as "evil" so it is hypocritical to think that Iranians will not also be indignant to have their rulers tagged as such.

And "overthrow?" That is EXACTLY what President Obama is wisely and intelligently trying NOT to have the Iranian people perceive is that our nation is butting it's big militaristic ass into yet another nation's internal situation. Or doesn't anyone remember Col. Oliver North? The Ayatollah and President of Iran will use that very same language to prove that Mousavi and his supporters are tools of the USA and they will LOSE. And other Arab nations will be suspicious of anything that occurs in their own nations thinking that the USA is involved in some way there too. President Obama is doing the right thing, being very careful to support the opposition without supporting the opposition, because if they do lose, and we still have to deal with the current hard line rulers, it will be even harder to come to terms.

3) "...Armageddon-inspired nuke program..." Again the religious reference, again with the fear mongering that made the nation weak and cowardly for the past eight years. Armageddon? Really? Iran is surrounded by nations with our nukes and anti-ballistic missiles, and their program of nuclear enrichment has been hampered from day one with flaws. Not to mention at present no proven missiles or production of such have even been found (or are we to buy the whole WMD lie yet again ... fool me once ...). So far the only thing proven is they are working on a reactor system for internal electrical power.

4) "...boy wonder is too stupid to see it..." Sadly the only people that are too stupid are the ones like McCain (how the best have fallen) and others who insist we make this OUR issue when it has NOTHING to do with us. How they would completely screw up the great and wonderful possibility that the Iranian people will find their own strength of independence. And that they do not need, and do NOT WANT, our endorsements, hand holding or anything else. If they ask for it, that's a different story, but they are NOT asking for our help.

5) "...George W. Bush told you was going to happen..." Uh no. This has been a long time in coming, there have been previous attempts to dislodge the hard core leadership in Iran going back into the Clinton administration. I know that the fanatical members of the current Republican Party would love to attribute all great and good to their failed religious leader, but actually the war in Iraq probably screwed things up and delayed an earlier possible revolution. Because of what happened in Iraq the leadership of Iran probably saw the interference of the USA and realized that it might happen there, so they clamped down on more and more freedoms of information. Also remember, Iraq was their enemy, Saddam was hated in Iran. The current Iranian leadership saw a broken dictator after Desert Storm, they had nothing to fear from Saddam and likely the Iranian people would have been more encouraged ON THEIR OWN to move forward as their leadership would have been more lax. But the USA had to be police officer for the world and caused the Iranian leaders to be even more cautious, to beef up their military and security even more, making it much harder for the reformists to gain headway.

6) "...finishing the job in Iran..." Again as if it is our "job" to do anything in Iran and even more so as if we are some Mafia or Nazi thug that needs to complete a task. There is nothing to "finish." The people stood up against the last USA puppet Shah and spoke, and what did we get and the people get? 30 years of hard line rule and religious dictatorship. They are speaking up again, and our job is to LEAVE THEM ALONE!

7) "...he's already piled all his chips on legitimizing this vile regime...." Apparently this blogger needs to learn something, the "vile regime" IS the LEGITIMATE rulers of Iran. President Obama has no choice but to attest to that FACT, but that doesn't mean he supports them or agrees with them.

I really wonder how much the rabid Republicans of today would like it if another nation said the same of us? Oh, wait, they did for eight years, and they didn't like it and told everyone to butt the hell out.

Hypocrisy is the way the GOP works today. And one thing is for sure, President Reagan was no hypocrite and "Reaganite Republican" is sadly misnamed.

If only the GOP was made of real Republicans, like Eisenhower, Ford, Reagan, or even HW Bush. But sadly it is the party of Limbaugh, Cheney, and those who would turn the USA into a theocratic dictatorship ruled by one party.

Just like Iran.


I have never hoped so strongly for a people before, but I see a great change in the offing for Iran. I just hope that the people are enough in numbers and organization to bring down the religious tyranny they have lived under for too long.

And I hope that the GOP and DNC are watching closely what happened in that nation with it's rigged election and remember that it can happen here too (and it's building).

Good luck to all my fellow peoples in Iran. May Allah guide you to the true freedoms and human rights you deserve.