Monday, August 03, 2009

Cash for Clunkers, or more for the rich.

I just heard on the most amazing comment of utter stupidity that could ever be spoken, and that shows the complete cluelessness of the corporate executives and their lapdog politicians.

"AutoNation CEO Mike Jackson says Cash for Clunkers program is a 'brilliant stimulus' and a big boost to the auto industry." And he said that they were very happy to see the people coming in to trade their clunkers were "700 and above in credit scores" but that if "it was below that and into sub-prime than we'd have to see about continuing this program."

Hello Mr. Jackson, apparently you don't seem to realize that the people who NEED THE CASH are the ones who are suffering right now having lost their homes, their jobs, unable to pay their bills and what you so indelicately call "the sub-prime." The people with scores of 700 and up are NOT the ones who need help, they are the ones who already have the help, who have the money, who haven't lost their jobs, who aren't having problems buying gas (oh yeah, thanks speculators for jacking up oil to over $70 again you morons), they are the ones who need it the least.

The so called bailouts and stimulus's are only stimulating the rich. They are doing NOTHING for the common working people of this nation. They are doing nothing for the laid off car dealers, auto workers, and people who are trying to keep their 100,000, 200,000 and up cars jugging along to take them to work, their kids to school, their family to the doctors.

And now our brilliant government, both parties, are talking about taxing the Middle Class. Right. So let's see, the Middle Class and working poor already have over 40% of their wages go to taxes (used to give bank officers multi-million dollar bonuses), Social Security (which they won't see), healthcare (which is breaking their and their employer backs), and state taxes (which are used up the second they get them).

Now add to that gas going up, food having gone up and stayed up (hasn't come down a dime), quantities of food fudged by using smaller boxes and casing, higher costs for prescriptions (but you have to get more of them), oil going up and up (to help Exxon have another winning year), and now more taxes.

The only real question is starting to become, which will come first, the 2nd Great Depression or the Revolution?