Sunday, February 21, 2010

Downfall (and I don't mean the Hitler movie)

So since August I have watched the nation of the United States of America fall. I have seen our President, supreme waffle, try to placate the religious, fanatical neocons that have now taken over the Republican Party. The party that has as it's leaders the drug addict and liar Rush Limbaugh, the disturbed and supposed Fox News prophet Glenn Beck, and the hypocrite (especially in affairs) Newt Gingrich. I have seen the Democrats, supposedly the party of the working class and poor, who had a super majority, do nothing but allow the health care bill to collapse, let the GOP roll over them,and basically be a complete and utter failure to the people. You have Pelosi who has porked her state so much you'd think she was a porn star. And Reid who cut such amazing deals for Nevada and the corporations that he might as well be using Vaseline.

But here is the truth. Look at both parties. Look at their actions. REALLY look. Don't just go by the usual party guidelines.

Bush and Obama - They gave billions to failures. Banks and corporations, which should have been allowed to fail, were rewarded. Corporate officers who should have been left homeless, their multiple mansions sold off to pay their workers pensions, were allowed to take taxpayer money for bonuses that hard working people can only fantasize about.

Congress - The Democrats aren't stupid The Republicans aren't that recalcitrant. They worked together to purposely NOT come up with a real health care bill for the people, with a REAL public health care system. One that EVERY OTHER industrialized nation has and WORKS. They purposely let the bill become a bloated mess that does NOTHING for the people of this nation losing their health care by the hundreds of thousands every month. Why? Simple. The insurance companies pay, via lobbyists, BOTH parties. They ensure that the Congress will make things so that the people don't get the health care they deserve. If they had to have our insurance and go through what we do, you think they would kill a public bill?

Wall Street - Speculators and investors are being allowed by both parties to use our money from the Fed Bank, the banking system, and corporations to gamble and guess how much money they can make. Not just now, but back to the .com collapse, housing, and now commercial real estate.

And now all three of the above are saying "things are getting better."

Well to all three I saw "Screw you."

NOTHING is getting better for the Middle or Working Class, and the Poor are increasing faster than ever in history. They say we will not see a Great Depression, yet the dollar is more and more worthless, over 400,000 per month are losing their jobs, pay rates are FAR below living costs, food keeps going up, and thanks to speculators oil prices are killing the nation. Insurance companies are paying less but charging more, health care is getting harder to find and keep. Banks won't trust or lend to anyone but want their high outrageous mafia interest rates and payments for current debts, or they take you to court even when you can't make it. The laws are all in their favor. The government is all in their favor.

The people have nothing to help them and no one to turn to.

The people of the United States need to stop throwing their votes away on two parties that don't give a damn about them. They need to stop throwing their votes away on two parties that care only for the profit, the perks (full life pensions, full insurance, full everything), and who do what their corporate overlords and their lobbyist lapdogs tell them to do.

The people of the United States need to stand up and say NO MORE! They need to vote for a THIRD PARTY! Do NOT vote for Republicans or Democrats, do NOT continue our broken, and corrupt, political system based on greed and not the Constitution nor care for the people.

In the next election the biggest and most powerful way to change our nation, to return it to the greatest nation in the world FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, is to remove ALL of the Democrats and Republicans.

So if you really want to stop what is happening, To return the nation to greatness, vote for the Green Party or the Libertarian Party, let's get a true third party in there to stop the downfall.