Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Rally to Restore Sanity.


What an amazing word. It encompasses common sense, patience, tolerance, understanding, cooperation, and so much more.


Never at any time in this nation's past has sanity been more needed, and never has it been more missing from our government and our corporations.

We have been told that in 2009 the recession ended. I read someone say that the Obama Administration saying this was equal to the Bush Administration saying Mission Accomplished in Iraq.

Jon Stewart, that amazing "comedian", is holding a "Rally to Restore Sanity." It's on October 30th just before the mid-term elections. The elections that 20% of the country says will "take back America." The elections that Glenn Beck's rally to "Restore Honor" (and sell gold) hope will give all the power back to the Republicans, led by their out of control Tea Party members, and the corporations and banks. The elections that the Democrats, who have tried to play both sides and failed, hope will not mean they are washed out again.

The Rally is for the rest of us. The 80% who are sick and tired of the Democrats and Republicans lying, cheating, and stealing from us. The recession has ended? Maybe for the millionaire class. Maybe for those making over $250K a year with thousands socked away in tax evading funds or overseas investments. But for the 80% of the nation not only has the recession not ended, it's getting a hell of a lot worse. More people losing their jobs. More people falling off the rolls. More people losing their homes. More people losing their healthcare. More people suffering and more families terrified for the next day.

The Rally is to send a message. A clear and solid message ... WE THE PEOPLE want our nation back. We do not want the fanatics of the Right and Left, the uncooperative, the liars and cheats, the Democrats and Republicans who have divided and destroyed the nation to continue to be bought and paid for by the multi-millionaire CEOs at the expense of the people.

The Rally is to send a message that the bailouts of failed banks and corporations, to support Golden Parachutes and big bonuses at the expense of employee pensions, retirements, and healthcare, at the expense of their jobs, at the expense of our economy, is a crime. Our government stole our tax money, our hard earned funding of our LIVES, and they gave it to those who needed it the least and deserved it least of all. Had they given it to the people, let the failures fail, our economy would be revived by good people using that money to spend, to save their homes, to buy or pay off cars, to put money back into the banks or buy from the corporations, the ones that deserved to stay in the market.

The Rally is to say to Fox News, Glenn Beck, MSNBC and the rest of the media and so-called "news" organizations on the Left and Right, you are worthless. You are liars. That a "comedian" is more trusted than ANY ONE OF YOU.

The Rally is hope. Hope that maybe the people still have a voice, a way to say "we might be silent, but we are the majority, and you will NOT take our Republic away."

Never have such many owed so much to ... a "comedian."