Friday, February 25, 2011

The Fascism is growing, the people are losing.

The new Republican Governor of Wisconsin has decided that he wants to break the public workers unions and take away their rights for collective bargaining. He has been proven to be a paid mouthpiece for the radical conservative Koch brothers. And he is willing to give millions in tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations at the expense of working people.

It makes me sad to see how many hard working Americans are defending him, willing to be lowered to the level of those in China and Asia, to drop down to the poverty class, instead of fighting for what they actually deserve. To destroy unions, to give corporations unlimited power and deregulation, to throw the nation back 120 years.

Ohio, New Jersey, and Indiana as well as other GOP controlled states are now considering the same thing or already implementing it.

What's even worse is the fear that nobody has ever really studied the object they use for the Republican, Democrat and Tea Party rallies. The Nazis. Read up on Dr. Robert Ley, what they did to the unions, the public workers, the teachers, and corporations. How they destroyed the people's right to better pay and benefits, to bargaining, but gave them platitudes, parties, even cruises to keep them "happy." Until it reached a point where the hard working Germans realized they gave away not just their jobs and rights, but their lives.

And after they realized it was too late, and after they lost, look who was spared? Not the people. But BMW, Messerschmidt, VW, and other corporations and their leaders ... and their money. All still doing well to this day.

From recession to depression to two prominent parties to one party rule to collapse.

From William L. Shirer's book "The Nightmare Years" about Nazi Germany:

"Hitler decreed a law bringing an end to collective bargaining and outlawing strikes. Ley explained the decree to the country. It promised, he said, "to restore absolute leadership to the natural leader of a factory that is, the employer." Henceforth, he added, the employer was to be "the master in the house.""

The people saying that the public workers union should be broken, that public workers have too much, you are completely wrong. What the real truth is that you have too little. The private sector income has been flat for decades, benefits have been reduced again and again, as unions have been broken in the private sector the companies have used ways to get workers to work for much, much less than they should and/or have less benefits. And job security is non-existent, just ask the 400,000 being let go every month if they wished they had a union to battle the CEOs throwing them under a bus to save their multi-million dollar bonuses. What about getting the corporations to stop sending jobs to China and employing children for pennies? Employing adults in horrible working conditions? Of couse they would love such conditions here, after all it would save them even more money.

And for the government nothing is more compliant than ignorant masses beaten down.

Liberals and Conservatives are both correct, and the government is using that against us. We keep at each other instead of combining the two economic ideologies. And the thing is that the Democracts and Republicans play off that to take more and more of our liberties, rights and the power of the people away.

Liberal and Conservative views are being used to forward a Fascist agenda. Fascism doesn't care about either, it only cares about itself. HItler, Mussoluni, Stalin, Tojo all used Capitalism, Corportism, and Socialism to advance their Fascist agendas. Corporations boomed under them (Capitalism competeing for contracts), people were given equal status under the State (Socialsim), and corporate executives were given power (Corporatism).

All of America should be standing together to bring up the private sector, to encourage bargaining and to bring the people to the same power as the corporations who have already taken your tax money to stay afloat and are using your lower paid standards to make themselves mega-wealthy.

And we must remove corporate money, lobbying, and special interests from our government. The government should only answer to the people, not companies. And companies should not be considered "individuals" under any circumstances.

If you think Chinese working conditions can't happen here, if you think Fascism can't be in our government, think again.