Saturday, August 04, 2012

Gary Johnson for President

I have looked over the candidates for President. I do not and cannot vote for Obama or Romney. They are two sides of the same coin. They are bought and paid for will hundreds of millions from corporate and wealthy donors, with SuperPAC money, with endorsements to be sure they will pass laws and support actions that will help not the people whom they are supposed to represent, but rather those same companies and select few of the 1%.

While Jill Stein from the Green Party is a smart woman and tenacious, who has a wonderful record of care, the fact she is on only a few state ballots means she could never win.

Buddy Roemer, who I endorsed but who dropped out, spoke highly of Gary Johnson during the GOP debates. Johnson too was sidelined with constantly changing requirements. He finally gave up and went for the Libertarian Party nomination and got it.

So I looked into his record as Governor of New Mexico, where he was Republican, and wanted to see what kind of man he was.

He is a man of his word. He vetoed over 700 bills, both Republican and Democrat. He became known as "Mr. Veto" because he refused to bend over for special interests. He brought the state health care up to a level where nearly all citizens were now covered. He took the state rom a $1B deficit to the $1B surplus. He supports a Constitutional Amendment allowing Gay rights. He is for stronger support for the poor and Middle Class through the Fair Tax plan. And while not for Universal Healthcare, he wants to stop local and state monopolies by insurance companies, open up all possibly options, remove the restrictions of pre-existing conditions and refusal for long term illness, and has plans in place.

I feel that he is what this nation needs. Fiscally conservative, social liberal. He is running on matching funds and unlike the others doesn't have millions to support him, only the people.

So let's finally, once and for all, change American back for the better. Let's finally do away with the bigotry, fear, and 1% vs everyone problems. Let's stop voting in the lesser of two evils, because they are still evil. Let's stop voting just to get the other guy out, as that puts someone unqualified in.

Vote for Gary Johnson for President. I believe he will be the best thing the nation could do for itself in a very long time.