Saturday, February 16, 2013

My Argument to Gun Loving Radicals

This was my response to yet another gun radical without a clue and completely ignorant of how our nation is suffering.

1) If you read what I wrote [about having armed teachers and guards in schools] I was referring to how China treats its schools, which have armed military or police at them to ensure compliance and control, the very thing that the NRA advocated under the guise of "protection."

2) Ad homonym is using the 2nd Amendment to mean that every "individual" is guaranteed some right of "private gun ownership." Please, show me that wording anywhere in the US Constitution. Actually it says a "well regulated MILITIA", but don't let fact of history stand in the way of your ad homonym. FYI...back in 1776 the most anyone could commit of "mass murder" was one person based on the reload time of a musket. Watch General McChrystal in the Daily Show clip, who I do believe has a bit more knowledge of weaponry than you, comment about the technology involved in current firearms and how he feels about it all.

3) Did you know your hero for getting rid of School Gun Free Zones, VP of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, in 1999 spoke before Congress and gave the SUPPORT of the NRA to the School Gun Free Zone Act that was passed by President Clinton and backed by US Attorney General Janet Reno? No? Of course not. The reason they supported it was because the idea was and is valid, that gun free zones are meant as a deterrent as well as a means to ensure that guns are not brought into those areas unless by those authorized by law to do so. At the time LaPierre argued, correctly, that those who did bring guns in should be punished properly, As I argue, the law is only as good as the punishment, and we now coddle criminals, give them cable TV, rooms, free healthcare, etc. when it should be the chair for murder or four walls and a hole if using a gun even as a threat. Gun free zones do work, they have deterred many students from casually bringing dad's gun to school to show off, they know the consequences, but go ahead and believe the rhetoric of Fox News and their ilk.

4) You are a clear "radical" by your very position and attack. Just as those who want to ban guns (which I am the farthest thing from) are as well. You advocate solving the cancer by injecting more cancer cells into the system. Brilliant. Proof how that is a complete failure is shown in nations that have proper gun control restrictions and culpability on the part of gun manufacturers (who here also get away with NO punishment yet McDonald's gets sued for hot coffee). We have the most guns of entire continents, the most gun related deaths of populations of equal size and industrialization, and worse of all, the most child death by guns of any so-called civilized nation. These are facts, not talking points.

5) As for all the places you mentioned, nearly to a fault they were the results of mentally disturbed people, kids, who needed help, and in some cases of parents with guns who in ignorant bliss could see no possibility of their children snapping (legal gun owners mind you). Or, like in Columbine, were just bad parents who never checked to see that their children had acquired the means for mass murder. that is another component to this discussion that is being swept under the rug by the "give everyone a gun, and we'll all be safe" radicals...there should be mental health checks for gun ownership. Any indication of problems, including within the household, should be a caution flag, And those who need mental health assistance should get it. We ignore mental health issues in this nation like its plague. I know soldiers from Vietnam, Desert Storm, and Iraqi Freedom who have suffered horribly due to PTSD and other disorders. Only in the past few years has it finally, FINALLY, come to light to help these people and made more people aware this is a bigger issue.

6) Also, regarding Fascism, people love to throw that word around a lot, but I've yet to meet anyone who actually understands it, what it means, or what those who implemented it actually did. Just to clarify a recent, and stupid, meme that has appeared on good old FaceBook, Hitler did NOT advocate disarming people to be conquered, in reference to his own people. What he actually did was in 1938 to deregulate a lot of gun ownership, to encourage sports clubs, to bring the German people up on gun ownership and he lowered the gun owner the NRA is advocating ironically. It was his way to prepare his people for combat. What he did do was restrict Jews from owning guns, and of course as a conqueror he didn't want those nations controlled to all be owning guns to fight his troops.

7) And last, I love guns, I think they are some of the neatest devices created. My predilection is toward Civil War era revolvers, WWI and WWII pistols, and in particular the Colt Navy Revolver, Colr Army Revolver, P38, P08, P40, and certain styles of PPK. I do not currently own any guns as I have two young children, but I believe and support properly regulated and licensed gun ownership, 99% of my friends are ex military or gun collectors, and I will be the first person to enjoy holding a good, solid pistol in my hands or a steady rifle.

Now, please take your uneducated self back to the books or legitimate websites and do some research and studying of the actual situation within the nation, the broader picture involved, the worldwide relationships, and also the historical content of gun use. You might actually get somewhere instead of just using ignorant talking points from lobbies politicians, the gun manufacturer supported NRA, the gun lobbied Republicans, the gun hating lobbied Democrats, MSNBC, and other idiots who are purposely swaying the country's people to enact they own agenda to get more money as we get more divided while they conquer.


More and more of the gun loving radicals want more guns, they say it will solve all the problems, people will defend themselves, that is the way to help the nation.

There are 300,000,000 (that's MILLION) guns in this nation, more than entire continents combined, nearly a gun for every man, woman, and child! Yet we still have some of the highest death rates by guns in the world. We are 28th in the world, and 1st among equally qualified first world nations. But we should add more guns to the system and give them to the people.

It is a LIE to say more guns will make us safer.
It is a LIE to say that we have too many regulations.
It is a LIE to say that less guns will cause more crime.
It is a LIE to say that a knife, bat, car, etc. can kill as efficiently.
It is a LIE to say that there are more edged weapon murders (guns are triple that).

If there are 300,000,000 guns in the United States, that is 300,000,000 legal guns that an illegal gun user can pick and choose to get.

Like the Columbine kids from their friend who got them at a gun show.
Like the Newton killer who got them from his mother.
Like the nearly 500 kids shot in Chicago by legal guns stolen by gang members and thieves.
Like the NIU and Virginia Tech shooters who got their guns.

Our nation is a buffet of guns for those sick people who want them, they can get them at any time. But according to the gun radicals...we should add more.

The Biggest Economic Lies

Robert Reich has predicted every downturn and upswing, every trick pulled by both Parties. Even though a staunch Democrat he sees the failings in President Obama and his own Party. He recently Tweeted the following spot on comments:

Biggest economic lie #1: We must cut deficit now. Truth: Cutting deficit now robs economy of demand it needs, causing slowdown or recession.

Biggest economic lie#2: Rich are the job creators. Truth: Broad middle class are job creators through their purchases.

Biggest economic lie #3: Corporations need tax cuts. Truth: Corps sitting on almost $2 trillion, buying other corps, buying own stock.

Biggest economic lie #4: Low-income Americans pay no taxes. Truth: They pay higher share of incomes in payroll and sales taxes than others.

Biggest economic lie #5: "Markets" exist without government. Truth: Government organizes, defines, and enforces the market.

Biggest economic lie #6: Inflation is just around the corner. Truth: Recession is just around the corner.

Biggest economic lie #7: Super-wealthy over-taxed. Truth: Richest 400 Ams wealthier than bottom 150 milln together & pay pittance in taxes.

Biggest economic lie #8: Unemployment benefits responsible for high joblessness. Truth: 3 people looking for jobs for every job opening.

Biggest economic lie #9: Social Sec in dire straights, must raise eligibility age & cut benefits. Truth: SS fine for 20 yrs. Raise ceiling.

Biggest economic lie #10: Wages are rising. Truth: Median wage continues to drop, adjusted for inflation. Now 8% below 2000.

Biggest economic lie #11: Raising min wage kills jobs. Truth: It fuels demand. States with higher min wage have no higher unemployment.

Biggest economic lie #12: Medicare must be cut. Truth: It's more efficient than private health insurance & should be expanded.

Biggest economic lie #13: Raising taxes on rich slows economy. Truth: No such correlation. Ec grew faster betw '46 & '81 when taxes higher.

Biggest economic lie #14: We're creating nation of "takers." Truth: Reason for rise in public benefits since '08 is joblessness.

Biggest economic lie #15: All gov't spending the same. Truth: Public investments in infrastructure, education, & basic R&D spur ec growth.

- Robert Reich

Saturday, February 02, 2013

The Gun Debate.

The whole extensive, idiotic, narrow-minded, jumping to conclusions, loaded with ignorance and hypocrisy gun debate is so sad to me.

And that it's fueled by our asinine political leaders who are supposed to be examples of compromise, discussion, and especially in the wake of a tragedy not politicizing this is even sadder.

I've studied history my entire life and the decline of societies always follows a pattern. We're in that pattern. Unless something changes drastically our Republic is doomed.