Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Why do we have violence in this nation?

A friend commented on stats in Scientific American showing the great fallacies of having and adding more guns to the populace.

"While some of this is true. I must giggle when they add such BS as suicide, and accidental death into their argument. Neither have anything to do with gun violence. Second I really wish this country would use their common sense if they have any left to approach this problem from the correct angle. Violence is a problem in this country, but instead of asking how. We need to start asking why? We are just setting ourselves up for failure. Anyone who thinks they would be better off unarmed when placed in a life or death situation is kidding themselves."

My response:

Suicide and accidental death by guns is extremely relevant. The NRA is pushing for us to add more to the 300 million guns out there in people's hands who have little skill with them or poor judgement on handling them. In that regard easy access to a device designed to kill makes it much, much easier for someone to take their life or for accidental death than by any other item. Not saying it'll stop someone determined, as little will, but suicide is a lot easier to do when it'll be "fast" than many other ways that take planning and might make one consider their actions. As for accidental death, since guns have one purpose, you don't hear of accidental death by knife, baseball bat, car or any other idiotic excuse the NRA has used.

As for being unarmed, the stats show (and not just this article) that most attempts at saving oneself with a gun either ends up in the gun being used against them or making the criminal more deadly in his actions.

Add to that the criminals having a buffet of guns to get from anywhere, anytime, with ease and their willingness and more more importantly their predilection to use them creates the very violence you're talking about.

What is the most violent item a person can hold but a weapon made to efficiently and with detachment kill? And glorified by a multi-million dollar organization and its supporters walking around with rifles, shotguns, pistols, etc. and used in the best selling games, movies, and shows? 

Guns are glorified, they are in every home, in front of us at every turn.  That is the why violence is a problem. You give any society easy access to an item, make it seem indispensable, glorify it, show people of stature playing with them...what do you think will happen? And if people for some reason can't get the device most glorified and designed to kill, they will then turn to what will work next.

Remember people KNOW a gun kills and is a violent tool. Period. So psychologically they see killing or violence as perfectly acceptable because its everywhere. Not everyone feels that way thankfully, but enough to make our "advanced" society one of the deadliest of civilized nations.