Monday, December 30, 2013

Best Facebook Comment Ever.

A friend of mine, Jacob Wadsworth, posted this to his Facebook page. It's brilliant, and 100% accurate.

"So, one of the most downloaded books this year is 1984. Maybe some of you reading it now should have read it after September 11, 2001. That way you could have recognized who started it and when before it became too late. Also, we wouldn't have to listen to your sniveling, conservative newspeak about how Obama is solely to blame, when the reality is it is OUR fault.

I remember trying to talk to people about it when Bush was president and I was labeled unpatriotic and Un-American for speaking out against the president. Now, those same people, who chastised me, are speaking out against the president and saying that they are being American and patriotic and it's all about the SAME DAMNED THING. I dare any of you to try to justify this to me and maybe I will stop laughing at how foolish you look for allowing what you are complaining about to happen in the first place. Shame on you, you hypocritical, self-righteous fools!

I speak out against BOTH presidents and both parties when they do something wrong because I love what American used to be. So many of you love Reagan so much, but THAT is where it started, when he turned our government, corporations, and the people into greedy self-centered pigs that worshipped MAMMON!

Shame on ALL of US for ruining America. Bush didn't do it! Obama didn't do it! We did it with our partisan bickering and whining and pissy little payback attitudes. Now I hear people wanting to "Take Back America"? Why would you want to take something back that you so freely WHORED out to partisan politics based on your misinterpretation of the Constitution or your self-assured absolute translation of the beliefs of your religion? Shame on you for pimping out your freedoms thinking you would secure some false sense of safety and security. Who is going to keep you safe from your own stupidity about this? Maybe you can whore out some more of your freedoms to the government and they can protect you from yourself."