Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The "Hero" of the New Revolution is a Lawbreaking Rancher?

So Fox News, the Tea Partiers, and the radical Republicans are all defending this criminal on his ranch and the gun lovers supporting him, going on and on about how the government is grabbing his land and property, etc. and so on and how this is (oh boy) the "spark of a new revolution."

As one comment in response put it:  "Where is Fox at when the banks are taking peoples homes, or keystone is taking people's land for a corporate pipeline that gives the KOCH brothers 100 Billion...WHERE are you FOX?????"

It's really wonderfully hypocritical of how the radical Right are out there with guns and arms ready to kill our poor soldiers and government workers doing their JOBS will do so in the name of a millionaire rancher who has broken the law, lost every court case, and avoided doing what all the other ranchers are doing, as in paying their dues. But they won't do a damn thing against the mega banks and corporations that robbed people of billions, took their homes, and collapsed the economy.