Sunday, June 01, 2014

Mass Killings and God

Someone I know and respect posted that because we do not teach Christian values, about God, in our schools and only teach about evolution that is why we see mass killings in this nation. He said that as we teach we are only evolved animals the natural order is to kill lesser beasts. That if we taught God and Christian values then people with guns would understand the consequences of their actions and act responsibly. That would put us above the animals where we belong and guns wouldn't be an issue.

To say I was dumbfounded by that statement is to put it mildly.

Believers in a God have killed more people than non-believers. Christians have killed millions (and to cut any early ignorance from revisionists, Hitler and Stalin were both raised and deeply involved Christians, only Stalin fell away from belief much later in his life, Hitler invoked God through to his death).

The battles between those of different faiths have resulted in decades long wars of torture and killing.

The vast majority of mass murders in the USA were Christians, several devout who even made it clear that God spoke to them of their mission.

When you remove religion you remove the "my God is better than your god" bigotry. You also remove the interpreted hatred of others who are different. And you accept this is your life and there will be no forgiving sin, including murder. Only the consequences of your daily acts.

Animals do not murder for pieces of paper (currency). They do not kill for pleasure. They are not prejudiced because one is different than another. They don't torture each other for joy and they don't commit mass murder. They don't destroy their food and water to get money. They don't even care if one is "wealthier" than the other and destroy lives to achieve it.

We are worse than animals.

This is not to say that a belief in God is wrong. It becomes wrong when people use God to justify their own personal "sins" and then use that belief to "forgive" those acts. The vast majority of people believe in their hearts in a God that is merciful, forgiving, accepting, and caring. But then there are the others who believe in a God, through the interpretation of man's writings about him, that God has set them above others, ordained them to be superior, to even kill those who are different.

That is why we, in the USA, do not teach religion in our schools. Our nation was made to be non-secular. We accept the right of our people to have the freedom to learn all they want about any religion they want and to practice on a personal level their own faith, whether Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or others. That is what makes us great, because we do not force any one religion upon our people nor tell them how to believe in their hearts in their God, or even not to believe if they so choose.

This nation is not a theocracy, and it should never be.