Thursday, September 03, 2015

The Hypocrisy Zone

"So, ‪#‎KimDavis‬ went to jail today for defying the courts. Outside the federal courthouse, Christians lined up against the "Sodomites" (their words, not mine), yelling things about "going to Hell" and "burning with God's wrath," among so many other things.
As an identified Christian, I have always wondered just who these other religious types think they are going to convert to Christianity by yelling hate-filled words on behalf of the God they claim to serve? What gay person is going to stop their fight for equal rights just because some pharisee won't let them have a marriage license? How many gay people have gone completely straight (become exclusively heterosexual) because of your efforts to yell Bible verses at them in an aggressive manner? Further, and most importantly, how many people have actually felt sincere concern by you for the struggles of their lives, rather than vicious judgment for their sins, perceived or real?
Is this really the way the God of All Creation wants Christians to "seek and save the lost?" Does your God really encourage Christians to thumb their noses at secular law, the Constitution, and/or the Bill of Rights?
I'm sure I know the answers to these questions. Now, let me tell you "christians" (little "c" intended) what I see:
I see JUDGMENT for something you cannot possibly understand because you were created differently than those people who love the same sex.
I see FEAR that your view of the way life "should be" for all people is being overtaken by those "Sodomites," as many of you love to call them.
I see HATRED because you cannot have it your way, every day, all of the time.
I see BITTERNESS because many of you are not happy in your own lives as you continually try to change the lives of others.
I see FRUSTRATION because nothing you are doing to "convert and save the lost" is really working.
I see HYPOCRISY, as so many of you have been married and divorced multiple times, and also sin in so many different ways, and yet, according to you, it is the "homosexual agenda" causing the real degradation of your brand of "family values."
I see DOUBLE STANDARDS as you preach one thing, yet often do another - A "Do as I say, not as I do" mentality.
I see ELITISM in that your rights, and what you believe, should apparently supersede the rights and beliefs of all other people who do not believe or act in the same way.
I see a MISREPRESENTATION of the scriptures to suit your version of the way life should be - selecting Bible verses which support your views, yet ignoring the whole. Remember, Psalms 119:160 says, "The SUM of thy word is truth."
I see INTOLERANCE for the belief systems, world views, and biblical interpretations of other people unless, of course, they share the same beliefs and views as you do.
I see a vicious DISRESPECT for the law of the land and those leaders trying to help the whole.
I see no space for FREE WILL but YOUR WILL. That, folks, is exactly what ISIS is trying to create right now in Iraq and Syria - a literal radical theocracy (caliphate) which forces the shedding of individuality in favor of rigid, fearful, and terror-based laws meant solely to control, rather than encourage. There is no freedom in this type of life.
Lastly, and most importantly,
I see little - VERY LITTLE - by way of the brand of Christianity for which Jesus and His Apostles and Disciples actually taught throughout His life travels. I do not remember any Bible story where Jesus acted, or encouraged anyone else to act, as many of you regularly do to try to achieve your goals.
No -- Jesus was not about Judgement, Fear, Hatred, Bitterness, Frustration, Hypocrisy, Double Standards, Elitism, Misrepresentation, Intolerance and Disrespect. He knows, intrinsically, about sin, and he talked about it often. Paul, the Apostle, also made it well known that "we ALL have sinned and fall short.." (Romans 3:23).
So, let me remind those who claim not only to love - but are acting upon the authority of - God the Father, and the Son, that your Bible - and specifically Jesus - also talks about YOUR judgement of others in Matthew 7:1-2 (NLT): 
“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.”
Yes, indeed. Pointing out the sins of others, perceived or real, in a manner opposite of what Jesus would have actually done, will come back to haunt you. Jesus promises this. So tread lightly, or not at all, on those you disagree with, for the harshness you bring to the conversation of their sin, will be the same level of harshness you will be judged by for the sins you commit - and you are equally a sinner according to the scriptures.
I would also venture to say that you, as individuals, and a larger group, have authentically converted not one person to Christianity by your methods described above. If it is your ultimate goal to transform lives for God, then maybe the old idiom, "You catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar" might be a better method for which to win souls.
The United States is not a theocracy, and it never will be, despite your best efforts to make it that way. You are free to believe as you wish, by way of religion. You are free to worship how you want to within the law. You are free to teach your children, and any other willing participant, about your faith. That is your right - Your right under the same document you are using to deny rights to others. The cool thing about our Constitution, and its associated amendments, is that it says, very clearly, that you are NOT free to force your will upon any other person no matter your lot in life. You really need to learn this lesson!
Additionally, there is NO 'War on Christians.' That is a fallacy you have created to fire up likeminded people to support your causes. 
In fact, what really appears to be the case, is that you are actually waging war on people who are different than you, believe differently, and act differently - all under ‪#‎GodsAuthority‬. There is a reason why a recent study has shown that people are actually leaving Christianity in big numbers, rather than subscribing to it. The reason, you might ask? People like you. The hypocritical nature of your fight against your fellow human is a turn-off to most anyone you wish to identify with you. Thus, they are running - not walking - toward the exits and looking to find people like them, and not like YOU, to share their faith with.
I believe wholly in God's authority and I believe that you, and people like you, are doing more damage to the cause of Christianity than you are doing to encourage true conversion of lives, as Jesus actually taught - Only your pride and pious nature keeps you from seeing this.
If you truly believe in God's word, you must know that there will come a day where you will see the error of your ways, very clearly. By then, however, it will be too late to make amends. 😕"

- Canericanisms, posted to Facebook on 9/3/15