Friday, January 01, 2016

Ammosexuals will never get it.

Guns are designed to efficiently kill. That has been their entire design purpose since inception. And to kill as fast and as many as possible. Knives, cars, and all the other bullshit arguments are apples to oranges because they are for useful and good and not designed to kill. So ammosexuals argument fail.

Right now guns are available to everyone from criminals to the psychologically disturbed to bigots and haters. Hell the NRA even got them approved for suspected terrorists. So all the wrong people are legal gun owners, and worse still walking our streets now too.

Every mass murder from Sandy Hook to San Bernardino was committed with legal guns. Where do you think the people who use guns for illegal acts get them? From legal gun owners. They either own them, steal them, backdoor buy them, borrow them, but regardless of acquisition they are or were legally owned. Legal gun owners are the suppliers for the murderers.

Over 30,000 Americans are murdered with guns yearly at best (really low) estimate (as the NRA and their tit sucking politicians won't allow for a true database). Since 9/11 that's more Americans than in all wars from 1900 on that died. And over 10,000 are children. But that's okay for ammosexuals.

If laws are passed and ammosexuals say "law abiding citizens won't turn in their guns", well then they aren't "law abiding" are they? And if they don't it's more evidence that they shouldn't own anyway.

And the paranoid ammosexual legal gun owners who feel the need to walk around with AR-15s to go shopping or wear a Glock to a restaurant or believe their guns will stop the "gubermint" with their tanks, drones, etc. are the very people that shouldn't own guns.

The selfish, paranoid, psychologically damaged desire for a gun in a progressive nation is the very same reason to make the toughest laws possible.

And please stop with the bullshit of using Chicago as an example. In a study done of over 50,000 guns confiscated the vast majority of them came from gun nut states of Indiana and Missouri as well as lax surrounding suburbs, more proof legal gun owners are the suppliers. That's why it should be national restrictions and not state or local. 

Nobody is saying get rid of all guns (and after over six years Obama still hasn't come for them and you're still just a racist, especially when Reagan had tougher gun laws then Obama has ever proposed) but people are saying it's gone way, way too far. 

Legitimate hunters (not drunks shooting at everything while sitting in a chair baiting animals), trained military and others who meet very strict and specific requirements for a true need should have them. But not every person "just because."

You want to carry a gun outside and play Wyatt Earp? Join the police. You're so paranoid about Muslims you need that AR-15 to intimidate your fellow Americans? Join the Army. You need a small arsenal to stand up to "the gubermint?" Check yourself into a psych ward.

And if you think your guns are so great a need, that you must have it to make sure you can kill someone, stop calling yourself a Christian. A follower of Christ is someone who is brave against fear, who shuns bigotry, who cares about others. Who will even die to face tyranny. If you love your guns to kill someone or support those who will likely used them, you're not Christian.

The bottom line is this nation is not the Sudan. It's not Afghanistan, and you don't need those guns, definitely not walking around with them, nor does this nation need to have tens of thousands murdered and a few hundred thousand injured every year because you think you do.