Thursday, July 26, 2018

How the Oligarchy is Playing Us for Fools

Ponder this, think about it, consider it very carefully if you've been following how things have gone since the 2016 election, and even before:

Trump was a Democrat for part of his party affiliation.

Trump gave hundreds of thousands to Hillary, Bill, and Chuck.

Trump and the Clintons were close friends.

Trump talked to Bill before he declared himself Republican.

Hillary and Schultz ran a Pied Piper campaign to elevate Trump.

Hillary and the DNC purposely rigged the election so Sanders, who would have beaten Trump, could not win.

Obama has a “talk” with Sanders to not broker the convention.

Obama stops interfering in Russian cyber attacks.

Trump wins.

And considering how close the Clintons and Schumer have been with Trump for years you have to did they not know about the Russians? And why did the DNC and Hillary jump to Russia as their first excuse so very, very fast?

Let’s look at it at an Oligarchy level.

They sure as hell do not want a Democratic Socialist as our President with tens of millions behind him.

They sure as hell love the military industrial complex and the billions it brings in.

So let’s consider if Hillary won.
She accused Russia of attacking us.
She said they were dangerous.
So she’s President.
She ramps up our military and NSA to the tune of billions.
Putin does the same.
So Cold War II which makes the Oligarchy a massive fortune and keeps the people afraid.

So let’s consider if Trump won.
He absolves Russia of attacking us.
He said they weren’t dangerous.
So he’s President.
He ramps up our trade deals and tariffs to the tune of billions where Putin gets the offset trade but makes huge deals with Russia which is now getting massive influx of cash trade.
So the USA and Russia benefit from our tariffs and trade war.
Which makes the Oligarchy a massive fortune and keeps the people in moving more toward indebted slaves.

So both Oligarchies win.

The Democratic Socialist is weakened.

The nation is being ripped to shreds.

But now you’ve got the Democrats and their pundits screaming “blue no matter who" making Hillary look oh so much better than Trump (or anyone). No matter who, as long as not Trump or Republicans. No matter who even if it’s just another Oligarch. No matter who as long as it means the people will not win.

I’m starting to think the duopoly knew they were about to fall when this Democratic Socialist got so powerful so they had to neuter him. And I’ll just bet that “talk” he had with Obama was a warning and the “investigation” into Sander’s wife when he started up against the DNC was a clear message.

The people are being played. Big time.

Note the way the Establishment Democrats are trashing Cortez with the help of the media.

This is a war of the people vs the Oligarchs but the people don’t know it yet, they still think a Party is the way to go.

And as a reminder...

1. Their families have known each other for many years. Here's Trump endorsing Hillary Clinton in 2012:

2. Here's Bill Clinton and Donald Trump hanging out together in 2000:

3. Bill Clinton and Donald Trump shared a Golf Game and a cordial chat shortly before Trump decided to run.

4. Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton are good friends..They only put their friendship on ice for this election:

5. Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are both connected to Jeffery Epstein:

6. Trump gave $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation:

7. Trump and Clinton share Delaware tax 'loophole' address with 285,000 firms:

8. Bill Clinton then appointed Donald Trump's sister to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in 1999:

9. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton attended Donald Trump's wedding:

10. WikiLeaks Leaked John Podesta Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Strategy, Which Included ‘Elevating’ Trump In GOP:

We're being played. We've been played for decades.