Sunday, September 06, 2020

Never Biden. Never Trump.

Here's the deal. In 2016 the DNC rigged the primary. This was confirmed by both Donna Brazile and Elizabeth Warren. When taken the court the DNC admitted under oath that they have the right to choose whomever they want, the judge confirmed this fact as they are corporation. Hillary Clinton's BFF Debbie Wasserman-Schultz purposely chose debate days in conflict with other events, cut back debates, closed polling places in strong Bernie areas, and played fast and loose with rules in caucuses. When it came to the convention there was immense pressure to broker it, and it was very, very likely Bernie would have won. But then Bernie had a "meeting" with President Obama, and Obama announced "unity" in the Party and then it all went to Hillary. Bernie then backed Hillary for the election against her long time friend Donald Trump.After Trump's win Bernie was pretty quiet about things for a few months, but then started ramping up his rhetoric against the Oligarchy and even going after Democrats once again (he reverted back to being an Independent). And suddenly his wife was under investigation for possible fraud. He was quieted once again for awhile.  

Come the next election cycle 2020. Bernie decides to run, seems to have it in the bag, things are going great for him...and then they do it again. Closing key polling places, cutting rolls, same as 2016, but the momentum is far, far stronger and people are even willing to stand for hours to vote for him. Then, suddenly, his royal highness Obama speaks to the other candidates. Obama and Biden then have a "discussion" about the primaries as the pandemic ramps up. Our nearly 80 year old activist gets pressured in the most vile, horrific ways...they're willing to kill us to get him to back off. They're willing to have all the others stop to get old Joe the crown. And so Bernie has no choice and suspends, kneels down, and they take EVERYTHING HE FOUGHT FOR out of the Democratic Platform.


And people are willing to reward the Democratic Party for their actions. Bullshit. They are nothing but the anti-Progressive wing of the Republican Party. They talk nice, offer crumbs, and stab you in the back. The Republicans laugh at you and stab you in the chest. Let alone Biden's horrific, racist, war backing, mass murdering record why the hell would any Progressive or Bernie supporter every vote for any Democrat after their actions.

Never Biden. Never Trump. Never Democrat. Never Republican. Green Party all the way and Howie Hawkins for our future.

Thursday, September 03, 2020

They love to ignore facts...

 Obama and Biden Accomplishments

• Sent 3,500 U.S. troops and tanks to Russia's doorstep in one of his final decisions as president.

• Ordered ten times more drone strikes than Bush.

• Dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016 alone (an average of 72 bombs every day).

• Put boots on the ground in Syria , despite 16 times saying "no boots on the ground".

• Despite campaign pledges, planned a $1 trillion progam to add more nuclear weapons to the US arsenal in the next 30 years.

• Dropped bombs in 7 Muslim countries; and then bragged about it .

• Said, “I believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being.”

• Bragged about his use of drones - I'm "really good at killing people".

• Deported a modern-record 2 million immigrants.

• Signed the Monsanto Protection Act into law.

• Started a new war in Iraq.

• Initiated, and personally oversees a 'Secret Kill List'.

• Pushed for war on Syria while siding with al-Qaeda.

• Backed neo-Nazis in Ukraine.

• Supported Israel's wars and occupation of Palestine.

• Deployed Special Ops to 134 countries - compared to 60 under Bush.

• Did a TV commercial promoting "clean coal".

• Drastically escalated the NSA spying program.

• Signed the NDAA into law - making it legal to assassinate Americans w/o charge or trial.

• Gave Bush absolute immunity for everything.

• Pushed for a TPP Trade Pact.

• Started a new war on terror - this one on ISIS.

• Signed more executive memoranda than any other president in history.

• Transferred more than $100 billion in arms sales to Saudi Arabia, more than any other administration in history.

• Signed an agreement for 7 military bases in Colombia.

• Opened a military base in Chile.

•Touted nuclear power, even after the disaster in Japan.

• Opened up deepwater oil drilling, even after the BP disaster.

• Mandated the Insider Threat Program which orders federal employees to report suspicious actions of their colleagues.

• Defended body scans and pat-downs at airport.

• Signed the Patriot Act extension into law.

• Launched 20,000 Airstrikes in his first term.

• Continued Bush's rendition program.

• Said the U.S. is the "one indispensable nation" in the world.

• Waged war on Libya without congressional approval.

• Started a covert drone war in Yemen.

• Escalated the proxy war in Somalia.

• Escalated the CIA drone war in Pakistan.

• Sharply escalated the war in Afghanistan.

• Repealed the Propaganda ban, making it legal to spread government propaganda via news outlets.

• Assassinated 4 US citizens with drone strikes.