Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Before the end of the day.

Today is the day. The most divisive election ever in my 50+ years of life. Nothing before has ever torn a nation apart like this one. Never has the Oligarchy played all its hands like this one. Never has racism and ignorance and hatred and fundamentalism reigned like this one.

A few thoughts before we know whether fascist former Democrat Trump wins or fascist Republican backing Biden wins or by some miracle an actual people's candidate Green Party Howie Hawkins wins.

First, Biden is the Democratic architect or cheerleader of all that former Democrat Trump uses. Biden was active in writing the Crime Bill that incarcerated Blacks and helped lead to their being killed by police on minor offenses or none at all. He helped write the Patriot Act of which helped cause the deaths and displacement of millions of Muslims and he backed the seven wars that did it. Biden with Obama caused the building of cages to "temporarily" hold Hispanics and then deported two million of them back to dangerous and deadly conditions. Last he is now backed by 100 billionaires that he helped become such through the backing and voting of laws that advanced Wall Street and Big Banks.

Second, Trump is a Democrat. He gave hundreds of thousands to the Clintons and Schumer. He supported Hillary's run for President. She helped him obtain the White House. Schumer has helped Trump and McConnell put in dozens of far right wing lifetime lower court judges. Pelosi put up a half asses hilariously weak impeachment which only was based around Biden's son and didn't have any of the many crimes that Trump actually committed. Democrats protecting Democrats playing Republican.

Third, the entire rigging of a second primary by Democrats was for one single purpose, to get Hillary's chosen one, Kamala Harris, into the White House. In the same fashion the DNC played the elevated game and got Trump in, so too they are doing it with Harris. If Biden wins in six months to a year he will bow out under the 25th Amendment, which Pelosi has had her eye on supposedly for Trump, and then we'll have President Harris. A corporate cop, corporate shill, and someone that was ripped to shreds during the debate and never got a single delegate.

Last, Trump's big show, his grift, his game play, has been so over the top he might as well be a villain in a cartoon. He's played every card from not willing to leave office to saying the virus is nothing to whatever outrageous thing he can all for one purpose, to convince people they must vote for Biden if they don't like him. Why? It ensures that nobody will vote a third party, that they will be always afraid and always pick the lesser evil.

This is our election today.

So when this day is over we'll have one of two horrific "lesser evils" as President. Either Republican voting Biden or Republican acting Trump.

And what will happen? If Biden wins the Democratic Fundamentalists will go back to brunch and naps with no concern for the damage Biden and Harris can and will do. If Trump wins the Republican Fundamentalists will go back to cheering their Fuhrer and thinking that someday they'll be a billionaire too just because they wish it. Meanwhile the 100,000,000 non-voters (if they stayed home like 2016) will be suffering and fighting to try to end this Oligarchy and stop our failed nation from collapsing further while the blind sheep keep doing the same insane thing over and over again.

And when 2024 comes along and it's Kamala Harris vs Tom Cotton the Democratic and Republican Fundamentalists will look back with teary eyes and wish Trump was back, as they now do with Bush.

Going forward the Green Party is the ONLY option. It's powered by the people, it's not owned by billionaires, it's not PAC invested, and it has ethics, morals, and policies for and by the people. I hope, I dearly hope, that they can achieve 5%. Hell I hope they can win or at least force neither Biden or Trump to get 270 and start a crisis. But more than anything I hope enough people are waking up to the lie and charade of the duopoly that by 2024 there will be more than enough people voting for the Green Party to win, just as happened when Abraham Lincoln won for the third party Republicans in the 1850s.

But...one final thought...if in this election when more people know about the Greens, and Bernie supporters went Green, if the party barely scratches 1.4 million votes yet again we'll know the truth. The entire voting system is completely rigged...and the Oligarchy has won. If that happens then the fact is our nation is doomed to go down either the path of Germany in the 1930s, or the path of the USA in the 1770s when we fought and won against the aristocracy only through bloody revolution.