Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Truth.

Robert Reich posted this to Facebook. He completely covered what's wrong with the USA right now, and sadly too many people either have succumbed or have bought into these scenarios.

"Individuals, groups, organizations, even nations, get into trouble when they avoid the work of tackling their most urgent problems. Here are the four biggest work-avoidance mechanisms. Don't let yourself or others succumb to them. 

1. Denial that a problem exists. Climate change,  widening inequality, big money destroying democracy, or, on a personal level, an addiction. There are many others. Denial is potentially deadly.

2. Escapism. The assumption it’s not my problem, and I and my family and friends won’t be affected. Poverty across town, lousy schools in the other town, family violence down the street, the Ebola virus in West Africa. We fool ourselves if we think we can escape the consequences.

3. Scapegoating. The view “they’re” responsible  – the poor, immigrants, blacks, Latinos, the government, foreigners, the rich. Blaming and stereotyping others is a coward’s way of failing to deal with a problem. 

4. Cynicism. The idea that nothing can be done. Government can’t work. Politics is inherently rotten. Our democracy is doomed. Our planet will perish. Cynicism is the most insidious work-avoidance mechanism of all."

Monday, September 01, 2014

No, Fox News is not the main source of American news.

Time and time again radical Christian Conservatives point to Fox News as the most unbiased news. They point out that it isn't "Soros owned" like other "liberal media."  Also that Fox News is impeccable in their reporting and observations, that's why they have the highest ratings over CNN and MSNBC.

But they are wrong on every level.

The actions of Fox News are far, far more extensive, and far from "impeccable," in their deceit and manipulations than all the others combined (and there is no debating the others play games too).

But let's look at the whole argument about Soros' "owning all the liberal media" and how that relates to Fox News supposed "impeccable reporting."  First let's look at Soros vs the Koch Brothers, the key payers into our two political parties.

So the Koch Brothers and Soros spend equally in subverting the political process.

But it's rather silly to bring Soros up when talking about media since he doesn't own any outlets. He has had investments in ABC and CNN, but he also had them in Fox.  So that argument is invalid.

Now let's look at responsible reporting and who own's what:

Rupert Murdoch owns Fox News. He and his companies have been under investigation or found guilty of everything from phone tapping to illegal document acquirement to misappropriating funds to practically every unethical act ever. You can't say the same for the owners of MSNBC or CNN.

So, with that history for Mr. Murdoch and as he owns Fox News I would say that the connection of ethics is relevant, but bringing Soros into the argument isn't.

But the single biggest argument for the respectability and accuracy of Fox News is the ratings. And yes, it's true, Fox News has beat CNN and MSNBC in ratings for years.  But....that really isn't as special as it's made out to be by radical Christian Conservatives, and in fact probably shouldn't be the basis of any apologist argument supporting Fox News.

The highest read newspaper in Germany was the Völkischer Beobachter, the primary propaganda paper for the Nazi Party. It too was filled with lies, falsehoods, and bigotry under the guise of "journalism."

Supporters of Fox News are forgetting the dilution factor. The majority of American people are getting their news from multiple sources but the radical Christian Conservatives have but one place to go. So, as related to my previous example, the radicals supporting the Nazis also had but one main source to go to.

Add up NBC, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, BBC News, PBS News, and Al Jezeera News and they far outnumber Fox. But all of those are "liberal" or "the enemy" or whatever.

So when there is only one turd in a field of flowers that's where all the flies will go.