Friday, October 14, 2016


So what will happen if Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump win? That's actually easy because we've seen it with Obama, Bush, Bill Clinton, Bush Sr., and Reagan.

If Hillary or Trump wins:

  • The war in Syria will escalate.
  • A new Cold War will start with Russia.
  • The TPP will pass (might be rebranded).
  • Pipeline XL will be finished. - Trump approved it 1/24/17
  • The Native Americans will lose, again. - Trump approved DAPL 1/24/17
  • Police violence against Blacks will continue.
  • The private, for profit, prison system will continue.
  • Wall Street will continue to be deregulated.
  • The Big Banks will continue to be deregulated and grow.
  • The corporations will be bailed out when (not if) another collapse happens.
  • Guns will continue to be prolific in our lives with less regulations.
  • LGBT and abortion rights will continue to be fought over.
  • Hispanics will continue to be pawns, immigration laws will not change.
  • Our water will continue to be polluted.
  • Our land will continue to be destroyed.
  • Our air will continue to be polluted.
  • Other nations will suffer at our hands (mostly the Middle East).
  • Minimum wage will go up maybe to $12 (but not $15).
  • Education will continue to suffer.
  • Social Services will continue to suffer.
  • Social Security and Medicare will continue to suffer.

I'm sure there is more, but for now we'll leave it at that. If either one gets elected I will look back at the end of their four years and see how much of the above held true.

Unless the Independents have finally woken up and vote for Dr. Jill Stein and support the Green Party. Then this list will look very, very different in the end.

You're our last hope.

My last post was about Bernie Sanders and why people are supporting him and following a new movement in the nation.

Then it all collapsed. As Bernie got more supporters, he got less votes, how? And when it came toward the end, it was clear he wouldn't win the nomination without a fight at the convention, even with millions backing him, how?

How did it happen? The Democratic National Committee, as exposed by mass social media examples and Wikileaks, rigged the election to ensure a Hillary Clinton win. So he never really stood a chance.

And then it happened. The thing I most feared would. Bernie had a "meeting" with President Obama. Immediately, and I mean immediately, after that meeting Obama came out and said that Sanders would support Hillary. And since that "meeting" Bernie has done nothing but laud Hillary, praise her, and help her move toward becoming President.

A "meeting" and the man who's entire life was to fight for the little guy, to fight for what was right, to do the right thing...does a 180 and suddenly not only backs the oligarch he's been fighting against tooth and nail, that he said shouldn't be trusted, that was not going to hold to her word, but he actually gets out and stumps for her.

A "meeting."

Funny how that worked.

So who did people turn to? Who do those who know that Trump and Hillary are friends and this is all rigged, or who know that the two most narcissistic oligarchs are both working for an end that means wealth for the 1% and nothing but more work until we die for the 99%, who do they turn to?

Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party.

Not only does she embody everything Bernie did, but the Green Party as a whole does. And more. They are against aggressive drone use killing thousands of innocents in other nations (seven nations now to be exact). They are against aggressive oil and fracking in our nation. They are against continuing the "everything for profit" of our government.

But Hillary and her fundamentalist followers don't like the fact there is another woman running. One who is intelligent (Harvard Medical School graduate, highest honors, teacher at the school, peer reviewed works, etc.), who isn't a war monger, who isn't supportive of TPP, who isn't cowing to the power of the Party.

So what do they do? They act like good Republicans. They "Swift Boat" Dr. Stein by claiming she's anti-vaccination (no, she fought against Mercury in vaccines and wants to remove corporate officers from the FDA so that the anti-vaxx movement has nothing to fear). They pull the Republican "Community Organizer" insult the she hasn't got enough experience (she has met with many governments, worked with them, and has backgrounds in various levels of government).

And they insult her. Vile and nasty insults just like Republicans.

You see, that's the truth of the matter. Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee, and the people who identify as Democrats are actually modern day Republicans.

And the "Republicans?" You only have to look at Donald Trump and his supporters to know what they really are, which I wrote about before. Bigotry, racism, hatred, fear, guns, war, power, money, selfishness...they are fascists. So as the Democrats have shifted far Right, the Republicans have gone over the far Right cliff and are without any doubt fascists of the kind that elected the Nazis to their Reichstag.

So what's left? What is left for the people of this nation? The Green Party. Dr. Jill Stein.

But the struggle is immense.
The duopoly locked them out of the debates.
The duopoly locked them out of the media.
The duopoly rigged the ballot access.
The duopoly has controlled the press.

We cannot vote lesser evils. We cannot possibly let Hillary or Trump win. If we do the results will be disastrous. Not just for us but for the world itself as both of them want war, badly. They want to keep fracking and oil drilling. They want to keep guns on the streets, private prisons, and do nothing about the rampant racism or police brutality against minorities. They want the status quo...which is to make them and their oligarch friends a hell of a lot of money while we keep struggling and dying.

Dr. Stein really is our last hope. Once this election is over and if she loses the duopoly will lock things up to tight we'll never, ever see another person like Bernie again. No more third party access. And definitely not anything changing from the inside. There will be only one way for things to change...what France, England, and Russia went through when faced with an intractable aristocracy.

And nobody wants that final, terrible situation to occur.