Vote Green Party.
Okay, I have finally made up my mind and BP is the one that pushed me totally to a solid third party. I voted in the past for Republican or Democrat, I chose the one I thought best for the job. But over time I realized something.
I was throwing my vote away.
Both parties do not care about the working people, the poor (not the deadbeats), the disabled or the Veterans. They play political lip service to all of them, but they have proven over the past couple decades that only corporations and banks have their true attention.
Bailouts for failing corporations. Bailouts for corrupt banks. Protection for corporations that break all the laws both ethical and real. Protection for all the CEOs and their officers involved, and their millions in bonuses, mansions, planes and cars.
So it's time to finally say no, to put a real stop to all of it.
The Green Party does not take ANY corporate donations. They do not support ANY of the bailouts. They do not support ANY of the lies of corporations that they will protect the environment.
They DO support using materials Made in the USA for alternative energy. They DO support strict controls over banks and corporations from using taxpayer money for their own profits. They DO support changing how far executives can go with their greed for bonuses.
Do they have a stellar record? No, they picked Cynthia McKinney for President last time and I admit that pushed me to vote Libertarian Bob Barr. But they have changed greatly since that election, with new guidelines and new positions. More and more disgruntled Democrats and Republicans are moving to the Green Party giving it a good mix of the people of this nation.
And in IL Green Party Gubernatorial Candidate Rich Whitney is the most moderate of any politician, easily exposing the corruption of the Democrats and Republicans (mind you in IL we have former under indictment and the latter governors in prison). He believes in a fair and balanced system of laws that are all oriented toward the people of the state, not the corporations or banks within the state.
This is what the Green Party is working for. A nation once again by the people and for the people, with environmental common sense, and an energy plan that brings it all HOME and not more to the Middle East.
So please give them a look and you might be very surprised.