Monday, June 13, 2016

"...just a fad..."

Some people, mostly Hillary supporters, say of Bernie Sanders and his supporters:

"...just a passing fad for a bunch of kids."

"...Bernie Bots who don't even know what they're talking about."

"...idiots who don't understand being pragmatic."

Or the most idiotic statement:

"...It is a bunch of people who require SOMETHING to give their lives a sense of purpose, a sense of accomplishment, a sense of power."

What a load of total crap.

This has been brewing for YEARS. Did you forget about the Occupy Movement? Snowden? Wikileaks? Did you forget the anger and frustration when the SCOTUS stepped in on an election before it was complete?

People were led into apathy with one event after another. First we had Bill Clinton who gave us happy days and wondrous claims...while killing Glass-Stegal which caused the banks to destroy our economy. We then had Bush and 9/11, wave the flag, support out troops...and destroy the economy more, give away billions in no bid contracts, and killing hundreds of thousands destabilizing the Middle East. Then we had "Hope and Change" Obama who, like Bill, made it all nice and wondrous while supporting TARP, TPP, Pipeline XL, and doing NOTHING about the Big Banks and Wall Street.

And now Hillary and Trump. We're being played! Good cop, bad cop, vote lesser evil, vote the other guy or else that guy, ignore what's going on, do what we tell you because you're afraid.

And then Sanders.

He wasn't supposed to get anywhere.
He was at 2% in first polls.
He's a Jew.
He's a democratic socialist.
He's old.

He doesn't fit ANY profile of ANY candidate that's gotten anywhere. And yet...

Veterans are behind him.
Young people are behind him.
Seniors are behind him.
Immigrants are behind him.
Blacks are behind him.
Hispanics are behind him.
Soldiers are behind him.
Progressives are behind him.
Greens are behind him.
Moderate Republicans are behind him.

Why? Because it's NOT him. It's what he's saying, what he's shown, and what he's proven.

The people are losing.
The oligarchs are controlling everything.
The DNC is as corrupt as the GOP.
The military is being killed for profit.
The Veterans are suffering for profit.
People are sick and dying for profit.
Water, air, and land are polluted for profit.
The USA is a worldwide embarrassment.
The USA is no longer a Republic but an Oligarchy.
The USA has a ruined Middle Class.
The USA is a debtor nation.
The USA profits from slave labor nations.
The USA profits from war.
The USA profits from rebuilding after war.

The USA is screwed. That's what it's about. That's what people in the MILLIONS are standing up about. And what have the two Parties done for the people?

They gave us the choice of a narcissistic arrogant oligarch or a narcissistic arrogant corporate fascist.

And those millions won't stand for that kind of CRAP anymore. They won't vote for lesser evils, because they are still evil. They won't be told to vote out of fear. They won't put aside all their ethics and morals to vote for the most unethical and immoral people. And they are sick that these two out of MILLIONS of Americans are the best? Bullshit.

That's why it damn well is a movement, a revolution, and not "a bunch of people who require SOMETHING to give their lives a sense of purpose, a sense of accomplishment, a sense of power ." If you honestly believe that you're as bad as the apologists who always said "but the King and Queen love their people" while the guillotine was raising up.

The biggest mass shooting in US history.

So 49 people have been killed in an LGBT club in Orlando, FL.

Let's clear something up right away:  This person was a LEGAL GUN OWNER. He was unhinged, he was on the FBI no fly list, he was under investigation but obtained an AR-15 because WE LET HIM.

This needs to END.

Nobody NEEDS an AR-15. Nor any type of weapon including handguns that can rapid fire and reload. Like other advanced nations such weapons should be excluded as available to the public.

That any gun ownership should be restricted to certain people based on their actual honest need. Examples - hunters, specialized security, etc. and then the appropriate gun for that need.

That each person who does fit that need get a specialized license, just like how cars and planes are licensed. A collector who will have hundreds of antique firearms has one license, a hunter who will have one or two types of hunting rifle or shotgun another.

And then with those licenses you have ANNUAL renewal, psychological testing, environmental testing (as in, anyone with mental illness living in the home with the weapon). Also a strict weapons training every year, supervised by a police or auxiliary police for passing.

And no open nor conceal carry. This is not the Sudan. This is not Syria. There is NO reason in a nation like ours to have anyone carrying except those highly and fully trained, like the police and national guard.

These are all items that have proven to work in other first world nations. This would eliminate the paranoid sociopath in his basement with his 100,000 round of ammo and ten AR-15s...all obtained legally. This would have prevented the mother of Sandy Hook from owning all the weapons she did with a mentally ill son. This would have prevented the Orlando shooter from obtaining his guns so easily.

And that's the crux of it. Ease of access. With people now walking around with guns, in their cars, anywhere a person who's unhinged, or angry, or just a criminal can get a gun. But restrict the guns, who has them, how they can use them.

Legal gun owners are the suppliers. It's hypocritical to say "guns don't kill people" but then turn around and say "well it's an illegal gun." NO gun is ILLEGAL. None. They are all legal when made. Legal when distributed. Legal when in the store. Legal when purchased. They become "illegal" when someone backdoor buys, borrows, or steals the gun. But they all came from legal ownership.

Enough is enough.

Friday, June 10, 2016

"I'm with her!"

"I'm with Hillary! I'm with her. I don't care if she voted for the war in Iraq. I don't care if she encouraged other members of Congress to vote for the war in Iraq, I don't care that she stated that the war in Iraq was a "good business opportunity" after the country was war torn and in need of repair. Afterwards, she said "I'm sorry, it as a mistake". It doesn't matter to me that we spent $5TRILLION and killed hundreds of thousands of people in the process. It doesn't matter that the war did absolutely nothing to curb terrorism and in fact increased terrorism recruiting. It doesn't matter because I'm with her!

It doesn't matter that she supported the military coup in Honduras which replaced a democratically elected President and stayed quiet when the female main opposition leader was assassinated. It doesn't matter that the situation deteriorated into making Honduras the murder capital of the world contributing to a mass exodus of women and children fleeing for their lives. It doesn't matter that she said we need to send a strong message and send these women and children back in to harms way. It doesn't matter that the State Department leaked e-mails that show her opposition to Haiti raising its minimum wage from $.24/hr to $.61/hr to the detriment of millions of Haitian workers in order to benefit her donors from the garment and textile industry. I don't care that she bashes Bernie for his gun control stance while she oversaw the sales of BILLIONS of dollars to Saudi Arabia (who executes gays, and stones women to death), Yemen, the Syrian rebels (actually ISIS) right before her Clinton Foundation accepted MILLIONS of dollars from these very same governments. I don't care that some reputable experts have called the Clinton foundation a "slush fund" either. I don't care that those weapons are untraceable and possibly used against American soldiers and terrorist attacks like the one in Paris. I don't care because I'm with her!!!!

I don't care that she accepts huge amounts of money from super pacs formed by the very same entities she claims she will say "cut it out" to. It doesn't matter to me that these donations might influence her decision to not clamp down on corporate welfare even if it means cutting social programs that help the poor and needy. It doesn't matter to me that these huge paid speech fees and donations may influence her on relaxing environmental laws contaminating our air, water, and food supply and possibly contributing to climate change. It doesn't matter to me because I'm with her!!!!

I don't care that she advocates fracking worldwide even though it's known to be a major contributor to climate change and a cause of massive increase in earthquakes. It doesn't matter because I'm with her!!

I don't care if those donations may influence her opinion on allowing the medical and pharmaceutical industries to overcharge us for products, services and prescription drugs. It doesn't matter that this price gouging causes the unnecessary death of sick people, and people with life threatening diseases because they cannot afford their medicine. It doesn't matter that these exorbitant charges puts people into bankruptcy and results in homelessness because I'm with her!!!!

I don't care that she and her husband helped pass the Omnibus bill and Three Strikes You're Out bill. It doesn't matter that these policies helped create the prison for profit privatization of prisons which led to the U.S. having the largest prison population in the world. It doesn't matter that these policies resulted in many young black and Latino males not being able to get jobs, fend for themselves and provide for their families. It doesn't matter because I'm with her!!!!!

I don't care that she was on board with her husband repealing Glass- Steagle and deregulating Wall St which led to the crash of 2008. It doesn't matter that their neoliberal policies of deregulation and privatization led to millions of people losing their life savings, their homes, and many families becoming homeless. It doesn't matter that she has never advocated for holding anybody responsible for their carless, greedy, and reckless actions. She did tell them "cut it out" after all. It doesn't matter that the deregulation of Wall St led to the biggest bail out in American history. it doesn't matter to me that taxpayers dished out TRILLIONS upon TRILLIONS of dollars so Wall St CEOs could give themselves bonuses of BILLIONS of dollars. t doesn't matter to me because I'm with her!!!!

I don't care that she promoted NAFTA, CAFTA and the TPP which are agreements written by corporate lawyers for corporations, not our legislators looking out for the people. It doesn't matter that these one sided trade agreement serve the interests of corporations and infringes on our sovereignty. it doesn't matter that these agreements are designed to depress wages domestically and ship jobs oversees to low wage third world nations where workers make pennies per hour: some even in communist countries. I don't care that lower wages here at home translates into less consumer power which in turn leads to a weak economy. I don't care because I'm with her!!!!!

I don't care if there is another candidate who has been speaking out against these policies for 3 decades. It doesn't matter that there is another candidate who has fought to keep big money out of politics and is running a publicly funded campaign. It doesn't matter if another candidate has fought to limit the power of corporations over the people as our founding fathers warned us. It doesn't matter if this other candidate has been on the right side of all of these arguments for the last 30 years and has been fighting for the disenfranchised, the oppressed, or that he marched with MLK, and was arrested for fighting for justice.

NOPE!!!!! It doesn't matter because I'm with her!!!!!!!"


All people are doing by supporting Hillary Clinton is continuing the cycle of different evils. 

Vote for a true candidate who isn't bought and paid for. If a miracle doesn't get Sanders in the White House there is a true alternative, an educated and respected woman who, unlike Hillary, has fought for people without hundreds of thousands in speaker fees. Who has been arrested trying to stop the corrupt political system. And who wants everyone to have healthcare since she's seen it first hand as a doctor.

Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party.